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Beloved Thai King Whispers

The indicted exiled ex prime minister, Thaksin, committing the ultimate hubris…refuses to fall descrubed here in the International Tribune.

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2 responses to “Beloved Thai King Whispers”

  1. Eunice (Zoe) says:

    Ferrinhite, with all due respect I beg to differ. First you cannot compare the monarchy in Thailand to the French Revolution! And the King is certainly not antidemocratic! He is what is holding the country together in spite of corrupt politicians and the jockeying for power. I worry what will happen when he dies and a lot of other people worry too because his offspring is the pits except for one princess.

    As for Thaksin, it is not true that he won two free and fair elections! He won due to vote buying and doling out the equivalent of $25 loans to farmers who then thought he was wonderful in spite of cheating the country out of billions of dollars by selling off his communications empire to Singapore through his children. Both he and his wife have been indicted and he is in exile but ensures his control by putting in power his proxy brother in law. Read about the recent court rulings.

    This appears that it is the elite vs the peasants but that is what the so called elite would like for you to think. It\s not exactly the most informed electorate! The substance of it boils down to infighting between business and other interests who stand to gain from one side or the other being in power. The people are being used as pawns.

    But thanks! At least I know someone is reading my blog! LOL

  2. MF says:

    The beloved king is just a man, and a man with often irrational political biases like anybody else.

    And kings have never in history been big fans of democracy or the concerns of the lower classes.

    See under French Revolution, significance of.

    As for Thaksin, corrupt or not, he or his party have won 2 consecutive free and fair democratic elections, due primarily to the support of the lower classes. They have also so far survived mass anti-democratic demonstrations and a military coup designed to destroy him.

    For him to cave in to these anti-democratic forces who refuse to accept the results of elections would be the ultimate in cowardice, and a big step backward for democracy as the normative political system worldwide.

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