Protestor In The Zocalo Fountain
Last Friday Ana and Steve saw a man take off his clothes down to his shorts and climb into one of the fountains in the Zocalo. I got a call from Ana: “Eunice get down here with your camera!”
it didn’t take very long before two municipal police told him to get out. He carried a sign that said, “seƱor gobernador, necesitamos agua.” He was from Santa Ana-one of the many communities and colonias here that have no supply of water at this time of year. When the drought kicks in people have water trucked in to fill cisterns…just as we do in the Centro.
Unfortunately, just as I arrived, a group of 5 officers talked the man out of the fountain, watched as he got himself dressed again, and then calmly escorted him away in their truck. So no photos. He probably will be beaten.
Why is it that we can have fountains running, but people don’t have water for washing??
Tags: Mexico, Oaxaca, Zocalo
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