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Perú Conclusion

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2006

So now it’s over. Not nearly enough time… there’s so much more in Perú we didn’t have a chance to see.. like Lake Titicaca and the Nasca Lines… not to mention the things in Cusco that got left out. Ahh, well, just another excuse to go back. It was still definitely worth it. The Inca Trail is just awesome, but surely not for everyone. We were thinking about our other friends, and could only name a couple others that we thought would actually be able to make it through. It may not be the hardest trek out there, but it’s still intense! With hiring a porter, it’s deinfitely a bit easier, and that number could be raised a bit, but even then, it’s still no joke. There’s definitely some that wouldn’t make it. I might do the trail again if I had the chance, but I would seriously question whether I’d carry my own gear again. Even knowing what I do now, there’s still a few things I could have gone without to lighten my load… but I don’t know if I’d do it again without a personal porter. Hell, I’ve already proven myself! If I do it again it’ll either be for more personal enjoyment, or because someone else wants me to go with them… in either case, I don’t need to prove shit again! But I’m glad I did the first time. And I’m VERY glad we had awesome weather while on the trek. Not too hot, not too cold, and no rain. It could have been not so pleasant a time had the weather been terrible… and would make for lousy photography.

I liked Cusco a lot, too. Sure, it’s inevitably touristy in spots, but I felt there was still a life of it’s own even without that element. You might have to look a little harder for it, but it’s there. But, such is the case with so many other great cities, too. It may be a bit dirty and grimey, and the constant barrage of people trying to sell you things or just straight begging for your money can be much, but that’s what gives it character.

And I just enjoy speaking Spanish! It makes me wish I had continued with it more in Uni. But even the quick, but intensive brushing up I did before leaving (packed 3 months of Pimsleur courses into 6 weeks!) was a huge help. I’m going to miss speaking it so often… Guess I’ll just have to hang out in Mexican Town more often. And I have a new found affinity for Latin girls… mmmmm…. 😉

Oh, and it turns out I had an ear infection. Massive fluid buildup behind the ear drum or something, hence my not being able to hear. I’m just glad it happened on the way home. Gave me a couple extra days off of work, at least…

Ahh, well…. I’ll be back. Buenos Aires is calling my name, too… I’m probably going to have to spend a few months in South America… soon…

Leaving Cusco, heading home

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

Blu, Lindsey, and I awoke pretty early, so we went to grab some breakfast… I need to mention again my love for cheap, good, and filling Peruvian food. For only s/11, we got a huge brekkie. Toast, fruit, eggs, pancakes, meat, juice, coffee… and I think there was more I can’t remember. I was stuffed. P4220419.JPGThe weather was beautiful, so we did some walking around, stopping at a few more mercados… just general looking around, browsing, and chillin. Cusco is much nicer in the sun, compared to before the trek when it was wet and a bit dreary. The city still is a bit dirty in spots, though. There’s so many wild dogs running around that get into the trash and leave a mess when they’re done. Don’t they know to clean up after themselves? Sheesh…. And as we walked, we’d hit various areas that just reeked of urine. Don’t know if it was animal or human, but we’d assume both, as we blatantly saw a guy pissing on a pole one night… right out on the street. He looked pretty drunk, but apparently discretion isn’t a main concern…. [read on]

Back in Cusco

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

P4220427.JPGToday was spent just chillin out. Blu and Lindsey were up early since they didn't stay out as late, and they headed out to do some things. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Inca Trail, Day 4: Machu Picchu

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006
Well, today is it. The last day of the trek, finally reaching Machu Picchu. We were up at 4, breakfasting, and on our way. We followed the train tracks to Machu Picchu Town, though did have to watch, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Inca Trail, Day 3

Tuesday, May 2nd, 2006

P4190162.JPGThe day started with a bit more up stairs, which after the previous day should be nothing... but nobody was particularly happy about it, nonetheless. But the 3rd day should ... [Continue reading this entry]

Inca Trail, Day 2

Monday, May 1st, 2006

Holy fucking stairs! All fucking day! My God. Have you ever done a stairmaster for 8 hours, at a 45-60º+ incline carrying 15 kg on your back, with the sun beating down on you? But not even, clean cut ... [Continue reading this entry]

Inca Trail, Day 1

Monday, May 1st, 2006

Well, the day began with quite the excitement. I was sent down to deal with checking out while everyone else finished packing up their gear. For some reason this was a difficult process. Admittedly, the desk guy’s English wasn’t the ... [Continue reading this entry]

Day 2 in Cusco

Monday, May 1st, 2006

We spent the day just hanging around the city, doing some browsing around, grabbing food when needed… general get to know your surroundings type things. One of the first impressions when walking the streets is the amount of people ... [Continue reading this entry]

Day 1 in Cusco

Sunday, April 30th, 2006

So we made it Cusco alright. The Kiwi's ended up being on the same flight as us, and Karl said he was staying at the Loki Hostel, which, incidently, was where we were thinking of staying per a previous recommendation. ... [Continue reading this entry]

Loggin in from Lima

Saturday, April 15th, 2006

It´s been a long day... after working all day Thursday, I went home and got the last of my things together and met with Joe, Blu, and Lindsey. This was about midnight.... we had to be at the airport around ... [Continue reading this entry]