Sardegna, Italia
Saturday, August 30th, 2008 Our flight was already scheduled to arrive pretty late into Cagliari, 21.40 on the 22nd of August, but with it being delayed an hour, then some confusion in finding the car rental office, it was quite late by the time we arrived to Hotel Aurora. At €55 for a double room without a bathroom, it’s one of the cheapest lodgings in the city. Our plan is to camp everywhere else, but there’s nothing close enough to Cagliari, and with it being so late, a hotel is a good plan. The Fiat Punto they gave us was quite nice. More than enough room for the two of us, handles well, rides pretty comfortably, decent acceleration, and small enough to deal with driving around Italy. Car is really the best option in Sardinia, as there’s not much in the way of public transport, and especially not for getting around the island, just from major city to the other. We booked through Auto Europe for €200 for the week, so between the the two of us, it wasn’t too bad at all. The hotel is modest but adequate. Didn’t really compare to what we had in Turkey, but it’s ok. I’m really quite far from a luxurious guy. We got settled and found some dinner, and then some amazing ice cream as we chilled in the Piazza Yenne before heading to bed. [read on]