How long have I been here?
July 13th, 2004What day is it? How long have I been here? I (along with other travellers) often have to ask each other’s help to determine how long we have been here. Losing track of time is a nice feeling. In Bangkok, I was reading a very interesting article on Koh Tau. It said that there are three lies that everyone says while they are here: “I’m definatly leaving tomorrow”, “I’m not drinking tonight”, and “I love you.” You’ll have to guess which ones I’ve said.
I have been spending a fair amount of time with 2 Danish guys, Casper and Rassmus. Casper has been my dive partner for the advanced certificate class.
I finished up with my Advanced Open Water certification course, meaning I can now decend to 30 meters. Over the past 2 days, we did a total of 5 dives: a deep dive to 30 meters (no sharks, unfourtuatly), a navagation dive, where you and your buddy demonstraight to the instructor that you can use a compass underwater, a night dive, a multilevel dive (where we ended up getting lost for most of the dive), and a final fun dive.
The last dive was pretty shallow, only 12 meters and near shore, but it was by far the best. Casper and I did the entire dive by ourselves. Our objective was to identify various sea creatures. The water was clear which allowed us to see some great things, such as a Triggerfish, a Batfish, Grouper, a pufferfish, and a sea turtle. At one point three schools of different fish converged right in front of us. It was amazing. If anyone out there ever wanted to try scuba diving, I would highly reccomend it. Especially in Koh Tau, which is supposed to be one of the cheapest places to learn in the world. Also if any of you ever want a dive partner, just let me know, I’m game.
I want to do a few more dives over the next couple of days, but after that it is defineatly time to go. The two scuba courses put a decent dent in my budget so I feel I need to relocate to a cheaper place. The two Danes just came from Laos and highly reccomended the country. It should be very easy to spend less than $20 a day.
Neil (a bit sunburnt)