Right by the beach, BOY!
There’s something you gotta know about me Joe Rogan…
I apologize for the lack of communique on my part. It could be due to the fact that I am currently lounging in paradise.
Koh Tau is a small island off of the eastern coast of Thailand. It has a reputation of being a very popular dive spot, which is why most people are here. I am currently enrolled in a PADI SCUBA open water certification course. The class involves a fair amount of classroom time along with 4 dives out in the ocean. Yesterday we had our first two dives in Mango Bay, and I must say it was amazing. Today we finished up the course with our final 2 dives. We saw some great sea life: Clown fish (think Nemo), Blue-spotted rays, Trigger fish, and Angelfish. I now need to decide whether to take the Advanced certification course. You get another 5 dives (including a night dive) as well as decend down to 30 meters. It would be more money outside my budget but I think it might be worth it.
This is definately a place where people spend more time than they anticipated. One of the diving instructures came here for 2 weeks and has so far stayed for 2 1/2 years. I want to check out some more of the island (they rent motorbikes), and I would also maybe like to stay at a bungalow on the other side of the island (accessed only by boat).
The sunsets here keep getting more and more amazing. Last night we sat on some rocks on the beach while drinking Thai rum with coke. A much cheaper way to spend the evening as opposed to the bars. Tonight the PADI class is meeting for dinner and drinks. I anticipate the night to be long and the memories to be vauge. I’ve been getting some good pictures, but unfourtunatly the internet is expensive here and computers slow. You will all have to wait a few days for some tasty photos.
Neil (smiling)
Tags: Thailand