Rabbit Island
Tuesday, January 31st, 2006Note: I have added pictures to the previous three entries, Chillin With Da Sis, Oh La La, and New Years Rally to Bokor II. Check them out.
I had this great idea that Natalie and I should go hang out in Kep for a few days after the big party up at Bokor. We hopped on some motos in Kampot and headed down the road to Kep. The problem was that a number of other people had the same idea. When we arrived in Kep, we found that all of the good guesthouses were full. We decided to take a boat out to Koh Tonsay (Rabbit Island – why it is called this is a mystery, as there are no rabbits on the island, nor is the island shaped like a rabbit) where there was a free bungalow. The inhabitants of Rabbit Island are mostly fishermen, though some enterprising locals have set up some basic bungalows and tents for guests to sleep in. There is a decent sandy beach for swimming and plenty of space to relax. After crashing hard in a hammock in the afternoon (it was new year’s day – remember I didn’t sleep the night before) I woke up to a gorgeous sunset. That night Nat and I shared some fresh prawns at the local shack.
The next day Nat and I went on a walking expedition around the island. We came across some utterly deserted beaches, herds of cows, and lone fishermen. The trek was quite a challenge in my $1 central market flip flops as we had to occasionally scamper over jagged rocks and wade through the surf. It was good fun though.
The family who was running the bungalows had an enormous pet pig that was quite entertaining. It spent most of the day sleeping under the tables in the restaurant / shop / shack.
The previous evening we shared a lumpy bed under a mosquito net without a fan. I slept fine (I think after traveling around Asia, sleeping in strange places has given me quite impressive sleeping abilities – I can fall asleep almost anywhere) but Nat complained about the 1/2 star accommodation. We decided to take the boat back to Kep for some comfy beds.
Every time I go down to the Kampot/Kep/Bokor area I like it more and more. The province is blessed with amazing scenery, delicious food, and a chilled out atmosphere. Here is a shot of Phu Quc island in the distance on our boat ride back to the mainland.
We spent the next night and day exploring Kep (this doesn’t take long to do) then headed back to Phnom Penh.