Balt Amour
I’ve spent a fair amount of time with my brother & sister-in-law these past few days, and it has meant the world to me. Mike moved to Baltimore a few years after me, and has really made this city his home, and this neighborhood his community. And it has been so wonderful to be able to enjoy it with him in these final days. He and I did a bunch of stuff this weekend. I also got to share two homecooked meals with him and Joanna this week. On Saturday night, he and Jo made homemade pizzas and an awesome zucchini eggplant casserole. Tonight he prepared a Mom Amabile original: pork chops with carrots, onions and the secret marinade, along with the original egg noodles (and minus the applesauce, of course). Mike has always been a great cook, but this husband thing has certainly domesticated him in wonderful ways that my stomach and I fully benefited from this weekend. He’s also ruthless at Yahtzee, but the three of us had a great time while playing a fun few rounds tonight while listening to Broadway showtunes and Stevie Wonder. We let him win, of course.
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