The adventure begins

Our first full day in Nicaragua.  When you plan a long trip, it is with the expectation that not everything will go smoothly.  We didn’t have to wait long to fulfill our expectations.  Our flight from Miami to Managua was delayed a couple of hours, which was not a big deal.  However, when we arrived in Managua, we found that only one of our four bags made the trip with us.  Then, on the arrival to our hotel, we found that there was a problem with the plumbing, and that we had to go to a different hotel.  Oh well.

Today our bags caught up to us, and we were given a tour of a bit of Managua, as well a trip to the Pacific coast, and then on to Grenada by someone who was barely acquainted with us.  Very kind.

Though we left Boise nearly two weeks ago, it did not feel like our trip really started until yesterday.  Those first two weeks were spent visiting family in Minnesota, and thus it felt more like a vacation we have done multiple times.  Though Margit and I have been to Central America multiple times, this is the kids first time out of the country, and for them, it definitely feels new, and that a new adventure has begun.  It will be interesting to see how long it takes for me to feel like this is really a year-long trip, and not a vacation.

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2 Responses to “The adventure begins”

  1. Barb 14. Jul, 2010 at 8:34 pm #

    Glad your bags caught up with you. Stay safe and have fun! The wildflowers are blooming here in CO. I rode bike to Montezuma last week and thought of your family as I passed Keystone.

  2. Mercy ER 15. Jul, 2010 at 6:30 am #

    Glad to see you made it okay!! have a great time!! the ER misses you!!

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