The week so far (starting 12 Nov)
Well last Friday, once the bloody website was working again, I got last minute tickets for Swimming with Sharks, a play with Christian Slater headlining. Ali and I decided not to see the second half of 39 Steps from last week (might see it later…) but decided, especially I did, that Christian Slater for cheap tickets would be money well spent! So after work on Monday I raced home, well after stopping by Woolies in Stratford to buy pots&pans, I raced home to cook stir-fry with honey & corriander sauce and turkey for Ali and I, as I owe him dinner many times over (but once will suffice) and then we headed to Charring Cross to the Vaudeville Theatre. His map reading skills suck as much as mine do, but we finally located the place — by me noticing Christian Slaters face on a lit-up billboard signalling the theatre’s location! Well the play was great! It wasn’t a raucous comedy, but funny and had the audience laughing along for most of the time. Some cringe-worthy moments which I could relate to (work wise… ahhaha especially Pa/Boss wise) but I won’t go into them as I know Vicki T occasionally reads through this! So yes, the show was great! It was good to be out in the city at night too, rather than stuck in the house in the east. But that kinda sucks too, as Ali had a tiny short trip home down the Northern Line, and I had to sit on the District Line for a good 25 minutes or so just to get back to Bromley. Uhh well, all part of living in London!
Tuesday after work, I changed my bedroom around slightly. On the weekend my mate John and his friend (sorry, will insert her name when I remember it!) came over to look at the new flat and noted my bed inthe middle of the room, near the fireplace with a space behind it, as did Ali, and all commented that they thought the pillows would fall off etc. No, they hadn’t yet! But they obviously jinxed me because on Tuesday morning I woke up minus pillows on my bed. So – the bed has been turned around so it’s now near the wall, not on the wall because one of my heaters is there, but close enough. I also bought some little ‘feet cups’ to stop the weels moving around on the wooden flooring.
At work we were supposed to get a site-visit today, however we then found out we have to attend inductions to each of the site construction companies, not just the office induction, and one runs at 0800am and the other at 0730am… so that means TWO very early morning starts,… hence we’ve postponed the site visit until everyone has attended those.
Tags: Travel
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