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Archive for November, 2007

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First Winter Cold

Monday, November 26th, 2007

Well, during last week I wasn’t feeling the best, especially on Friday when I used almost a whole box of tissues, so I just barely managed to get myself to a comedy gigg Friday evening where Mara’s friend Scott Elliott was having a go and stand-up. He was really good, and was the first finalist through from the ‘gong rounds’ where people get 3 safe minutes, then 5 minutes more to ‘do their act’ when people can red-card them to vote them off. Unfortunately on the night there were a lot of good comedians, and so he didn’t win the final but hey! Great first effort!!!

So Friday night I crashed into bed, after burning up hot on the tube (it was -3 outside) and my muscles were aching, so I slept well into about 11am on Saturday. Jupmed out of bed and headed for the local post office… which didn’t sell boxes (stupid royal mail), so headed into Stratford to the bigger post office and shop. With that done, I headed back home, frozen (7 degrees), had a hot shower (which felt cold) and then jumped into bed! I slept most the day but also read some things, and had the heat turned up because my body thought it was cold, then hot, then cold etc! Sunday I woke up late again, but cleaned the house (mopped floors, cleaned bathroom and toilet) and then just lay about on my bed until I went with John to pick up my new (new for me) TV and DVD player from Oscar. Oscar’s heading back to Australia so just my luck with getting the goods! The guys, especially John were very very kind and carried the TV back to my house down a big hill, on the tube (all the station steps!) and then up the stairs to my room, so yes very good of them! I need to get John a birthday present now haha.

Oh also, I kind of sprained my ankle on Saturday night… I was standing at the top of the stairs about to walk down, and I coughed and slipped down the stairs, landing on my bad ankle! haha it was quite funny, but as Mara said, one illness/injury at a time would be nice!

My cold’s getting bit better though, dosing up on vitamins and sudafed and lemon&ginger tea.

Winter Holidays

Wednesday, November 21st, 2007

Okay, so over Christmas time my work closes for a few days, and they automatically deduct 4 days off your annual-leave entitlement to cover this! This means I work for Dec and Jan and my holidays are already allocated to Christmas (kinda sucks!). Mara’s heading to Jersey to see her grandparents, and I hadn’t planned anything until Kristy was also going to be left in London – and so we are now going to Budapest! We fly out on 23 Dec and back on 27 Dec and hopefully it’ll be snowing there in Budapest! We don’t know what to expect really, or what will be open because it’s Christmas but I think just getting away from London will be good fun!

Umm also on 1 December (i still need to book train tickets) I’ll be heading up to Birmingham to meet and stay with cousin Laura, and we are going to see the Concertgebungeow (spelling) Philharmonic Orchestra from Amsterdam which will be great, so say the reviews! Cousin Brett from Melbourne is coming over to the UK starting on 29 November, and I think he’s going to visit Birmingham with me too so that will be good! I’m not sure how many of the UK relatives he has already met.

The other winter holiday, the one I might chuck a sickie for, is for Mara and I to celebrate my birthday with a weekend away, including the Friday, for 2 nights at a ski resort in Italy! We’re flying into Bergamo, again, but this time we’re missing Milano (thank god) and instead heading north to the Alps! Fingers crossed it’s snowing, which it definitely should be in January, but if not they also have great man-made-snow machines there. We get discounted ski school lessons and a day pass for the slopes (lift pass) and free ski/boot hire so we should be set! Boarding costs and extra £8/day, so I’m not sure if I’ll try it this time around or not! Depending on what money I don’t have I might have to use of one of my days off (once I’ve earnt it) in late February to go skiing! … hmm when is the next Bank Holiday (public holiday) in the UK!!??


Oh also, on a side note, I think I need to get an X-ray of my right ribs, as one seems to be ‘underneath’ the other rib but I can ‘pull it forward’ by pulling my skin up, but then it ‘slides underneath’ again! Ewww I know! It’s especially noticible after doing sit-ups or planks and using the muscles there… excuse to stop exercise? nah. 

Permanent Member of Staff

Wednesday, November 21st, 2007
So it's now Wednesday, which means I've been permanent for a whole three days - yay! Just in case you were wondering no, it doesn't feel any better and there aren't really that many extra perks... in fact in January ... [Continue reading this entry]

The week so far (starting 12 Nov)

Thursday, November 15th, 2007
Well last Friday, once the bloody website was working again, I got last minute tickets for Swimming with Sharks, a play with Christian Slater headlining. Ali and I decided not to see the second half of 39 Steps from last ... [Continue reading this entry]


Thursday, November 15th, 2007
Oh I forgot to say too, that on Saturday I met up with Kristy in the city, Oxford Street to do a bit of looking around etc. The lights are all turned on and the lamp posts have lights and ... [Continue reading this entry]

The Quiet Weekend

Thursday, November 15th, 2007
Well the weekend was nice and quiet. I did some decorating in my bedroom and ironed everything I own... I need to buy more wrinkle-free items I think! On Sunday morning, 11 November I went down to a Church of ... [Continue reading this entry]

In other news…

Wednesday, November 7th, 2007
Oh what else can I say? Not much happening but I have been offered a permanent position with one of the parent companies from the group that makes up the Delivery Partner (CLM) so that is some good news! A ... [Continue reading this entry]

Back in London – to now

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007
So, just to summarise things since I've been back in London to bring everyone up to speed with events. Mara & I needed a place to move into when we got back, and so we got a little caught up in ... [Continue reading this entry]

Long time between posts!

Tuesday, November 6th, 2007
Well, I do need to apologise for being so slack and not updating this at all lately! I'm surprised that it is still active, and actually pleased about that too as I would have been so annoyed if I'd lost ... [Continue reading this entry]