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Our beautiful Snoopy

Thursday, January 31st, 2008

Snoopy 8 Dec bone dayWell… mom and dad called me with the bad news that our gorgeous old granny dog Snoopy has passed away. It is losing a family member to us. We got Snoopy when I was just 10 years old, and so for the last 12 years she’s been everywhere with us and always waiting to greet us, or eat some of our food, or get a bone from the freezer or go for a walk! And then she always shared my bed too… but she was considerate, she would first ‘feel around’ with her snout, and then her front feet, to make sure she didn’t land on top of me when she jumped on the bed! Snoopy was like a polar bear in winter as no matter how cold it was outside she would still jump into the pool for a swim! I remember when we were younger she would jump into the ‘pool beanbag’ and just float around… and the other thing about Snoopy is that she was always wagging her tail! Even when I was home alone and she wanted walkies/breakfast at 6am she would make little graning noises, and then thump her tail against the side of my bed until I woke up and fed her! First Callista was her little best mate who always made sure Snoopy was okay especially if she had an epileptic fit.. but then Callista departed through cancer. And little Abbie came along to live with me at home and she became Snoopy’s shadow! Everywhere Snoopy went, Abbie would run close behind (except for walkies where Abbie always streaked ahead). But at home if Snoopy went on the mats Abbie would go there and ‘park’ almost on her, always touching. Then Snoopy would almost roll her eyes, get up and walk to the carpet… and Abbie would jump up and go sit next to/on here there too and it went on and on! Abbie would also hide behind Snoopy if things got scary, so hopefully she’ll be okay now just with Kassie. Snoopy led a wonderful life, and I think got spoilt rotten by us, and pretty much everything she wanted she got. She was the perfect family pet and always like a mischevious pup… from the first day we got her home and I was on my own with her and she tipped out the ice-cream bucket of water.

Wet after swimming in the pool  Christmas presents 07 from Salzberg Christtmas at home 033.jpg

Birthday Abroad

Thursday, January 31st, 2008

Well I always thought things would be different being overseas for my birthday and I was right… I just don’t have a good, close group of real friends over here that I can call at any hour, go visit without annoucement etc, etc. Lucky for the weekend away, otherwise I wouldn’t even remember this year’s birthday.

Well Tuesday I worked, and after work went out with just a few people for some drinks and to listen to some music (which turned out to be jazz) at a bar in Canary Wharf. It was a pretty good night, but far from what I’m used to for birthdays and all that.

This Friday night I’m probably going out for dinner with Sarah who I met in New Zealand, and hopefully Mara can come along too. Kate (also met in NZ) was planning on coming but had a car accident on Tuesday night so understandably cannot come up to London. She’s okay, just a little shaken but better to be safe.

January in a nutshell

Monday, January 28th, 2008
Well, January has gone by so fast already! Mara and I just returned from Italy, skiing for the weekend, and I realised how behind I am in keeping things online up to date! So, summary of the month that has ... [Continue reading this entry]


Wednesday, January 16th, 2008
Well as my post about Budapest on 31 December stated, I had to run and get ready for the party. Kristy, Mara and I, along with Kristy's cousin Heather and flatmate Bria had tickets for a Masquerade party over near ... [Continue reading this entry]

Budapest 2

Tuesday, January 8th, 2008
On Christmas night, after our dinner Kristy and I were looking for some sort of club to go and have a drink/dance at... seems that all/most decent clubs in Budapest are Underground ones, and you need to know someone local ... [Continue reading this entry]


Friday, January 4th, 2008
Well, Budapessht was a really nice place to visit, even though as I said earlier, most things were closed the entire time we were there. Kristy and I still had some fun! Especially because our supplies in-room consisted of 2 ... [Continue reading this entry]