Small World
Mainly for Mimi and others who were involved in Round Square at school….
On checking into the YHA Hostel near Rotherhithe it was about time to watch the FA Cup so we stayed at the bar here and the other Aussie in the place was a guy called Brett from Lower Plenty… on him saying that I asked if he went to Ivanhoe Grammar (IGS), and well what do ya know? Of course he went to that school ahah. So we watched the game and had a chat then he, Mara and I had dinner together. Chatted some more about the school etc and our association and yep Mimi he knows my mate James Binney, the South African Josh (not his friend, only thru school), Mottau and some others, and his best mate turns out to be Leachy! I mentioned how when I was like 17 I stayed over at Leachy’s house and he had some mates over… and yep, we’re both pretty sure now that Brett was at the same sleepover!
Funny but not overly surprised as this is London and I think it’s half populated by Aussies!
Dwain and his housemates are all really nice – the house is pretty interesting! It’s set over like 3 floors so you go in the door then up stairs, then 1st is kitchen (with washing machine) and a bedroom, then 2 rooms on 2nd floor then bathroom and 1 room on third/top floor… it’s actually not too bad and the atmosphere seems pretty good and relaxed. Hopefully they liked Mara and I and we’ll be able to stay there! ;o)
Went on Big Bus Tour today and saw most of the sights of London – will try post some photos of this big city when I can!
Tags: Travel
So glad that you have your bag!! Enjoy your time, I”ll keep checking in to see what you’re up to and send you an update about my trip!
You are now only 8 hours away from me! There are totally $250CAD flights round trip to there right now … just saying ;-p
Hi Lija, London is a very big city with some lovely places to see – so tell me which ones!! I just loved the tower, it bought back all of my history lessons!! Ahh don’t marry any princes, their track record has never been any good!! :->. Have a great time! P
Who guessed it was such a small world?! I’m sure you’ll meet many other people on your trip who knows someone else that we know.. I hope that you’re having an awesome time! Lotsa love =)
Mum passed on your blog site, what a great idea! We’ll be able to keep up with your highjinks. Take care…luv from all of us.