Back in London – to now
November 6th, 2007So, just to summarise things since I’ve been back in London to bring everyone up to speed with events.
Mara & I needed a place to move into when we got back, and so we got a little caught up in a money/housing scam, but luckily after losing £800.00, I then got it back again because I had cottoned-on just in time, and got onto MoneyGram International and they had frozen my funds transfer… so I got it all back before the con-artists could! Police were involved and everything! The case is now closed as I got my pounds back, however it was definitely a close call! Make sure you never put money down for anything without first seeing the property, inside and outside, and make sure the person renting it out actually owns the place! So, that’s all over now.
We are now living in Plaistow, and the place isn’t so bad inside, however the general area is dodgy and quite scary, and last night I was followed home by a guy crawling along near me in a car! FREAK! Prior to that scary event, the flat next to us was raided by the Met Police following a stabbing there, and the Police found the whole flat was a Cannabis Factory!!! The place was under Police watch, and then they came along and boarded up the windows and the inner door etc, but about two nights later the front glass door was smashed in, and someone got into the house, so they obviously didn’t arrest EVERYONE that was living there/involved! I swear druggies still come down the street as I can hear footsteps outside at night time. I feel sorry for the house owners, as it still has the for sale sign up on it!!! Mara and I are moving, again, into a new place this Wednesday night in Bromley-by-Bow nearer to the city which will be nice. I’ll still be near to work as well, which will be good, as I still do not go well on the tubes when they’re packed with no oxygen!
I’m back at work at the Olympics, and I have been moved out to the actual construction site, just near Startford (you can google it). The new office is nice, but there’s not so many young people for me to chat to, and everyone is quite busy none of us even take lunch breaks and everyone just eats at their computers! At least at Canary Wharf there were shops everywhere and people to have lunch with, such as Ali and his mates.
Speaking of him, we don’t actually see much at all of each other since I came back from holidays because, well because he is a male and acted just like a male whilst I was away on holidays – which I’m sure is self explanatory enough of an explanation for the girls out there! We’re still kind of talking, but it’s a bit strange and like a woman scorned I’m not exactly nice about anything much to him just yet so hmmm…. that’s a bit sad cuz he was a really good friend of mine here in the UK. Reminds me of that poem stating friends come into your life, some for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime.
Kristy and I have been hanging out quite a bit since being back in London, and other ‘boat people’ have been coming along too! We had a few nights out in the city and at different bars, a movie night in, a cruise boat party down the Themes and a few other things we went to too, but I cannot remember them now! I missed the greyhound races on Friday night in London, especially for the Aussies in replacement of the Melbourne Cup! I would have preferred dressing up and betting on the horses, but the cup happened at night time over here! This weekend just passed Mara and I went to Sutton for our friend Sarah’s engagement party to her man Mike. We met Sarah in NZ in 2006, and she’s so lovely and Mike’s a great guy so we’re all very happy and cannot wait to go to the wedding!!! Hopefully it will happen whilst we’re still residing in the UK!
What else? Oh since being back Mara and I have seen a play called Enchantment (I think) which she got us free tickets to. It was a proper play in-the-round and performed so well. The suject was quite heavy for a Tuesday night, but nevertheless it was worth seeing! Last night in an effort to speak to each other, Ali and I went and saw part of a play called The 39 Steps, a comedy. I say part of a play, as at the end of the first half the play had a big loud gunshot sound, and the speakers crackled REAL bad afterwards… and it stuffed up the whole system for sound and lighting, and being a digital system, the tech guys just couldn’t fix it during the break! Shame too cuz the play seemed good. So now just have to decide whether to see it again, or just the second half, a different play all together, or nothing at all. Still things to be sorted.
So that brings everyone pretty much up to speed in a very abridged version!!! I’m off to make dinner for us. I usually cook these days as I get home before Mara does, but it’s all good I don’t mind. I’m currently looking for a second job in London too, hopefully an easy after hours one that doesn’t require too much thinking!