Knee injury :o(
Okay so Friday night (10th October, 4 days before my H&S exam) two girls from work were having their birthday drinks down at Canary Wharf, I’d decided not go go during the day, but then got convinced to go down just for one drink to finish off the week and celebrate… well, let me say that it finished off the week alright. About 1030pm (yes, early I know), I was heading out of the bar to go home, after only having 2 drinks during 5 hours (hence sober!) and a colleage grabbed me on the dance floor for a quick spin, and tried to do a ‘ballroom dancing dip’ (so i was laying over, head near the floor) when my right knee snapped!
I freaked out, thinking I’d broken my leg, but then felt my kneecap was on the side of my leg, so I shot up, straightening leg and it jumped back into place. It was the most immense pain I’ve ever felt (and don’t wanna have kids!) and I couldn’t stop whimpering!!! My body pretty much panicked, and I felt sick and broke out in a sweat; not nice. So, I was helped up the steps at Canary Wharf and got into a cab straight home – which seemed like the longest drive ever. On getting home, the flatmates were still up so helped me get ice onto my knee! They’ve decided the only safe places for me is home or the kickboxing gym as everytime I go out with my colleagues I come home injured in some way!
Saturday morning, after goading my various people, I took myself to The Royal London Hospital, where I beat the A&D morning rush and got seen to fairly quickly… and got stuck with a leg splint to immobilise my knee! Decided against the walking aid, but did get a taxi home instead of the bus! So luckily I had to study all weekend and had Mon/Tues off work for the exam anyway, so I had to be home off my leg regardless of other plans.
Well to cut to the chase… I had a checkup and got kitted with a different splint, one which has dials on both sides of the knee (ie Robocop or Bionic Woman are the nicnames from work… as well as Hoppy!) the ortho doctor in the fracture clinic said still nothing broken, but not sure what is actually wrong inside my knee so I’m currently awaiting my letter with MRI date. Hopefully surgery won’t be required, but it could still be anterior or medial crutiate ligament. According to soo many people’s horror stories, knee injuries can plague you for bloody years; so I need to listed to the doctor’s advice and keep the splint on for the 6 weeks and no kickboxing before it’s all healed AND I’ve done physio/rehab. Couldn’t have happened at a worse time, as I’d been really enjoying new redbelt classes and was looking forward to wearing my new gear and learning touch sparring! :o(
One very unhappy person! Also the next person who pushes me at the tube stations (London isn’t disabled friendly AT ALL!) is going to get wacked! No one looks down and sees the splint, so they all push me along wondering why I’m walking so slowly cuz I still look and dress like normal! Mara and I went shopping on a weekend to get me a new winter skirt and comfortable flat shoes and new tights, as I think that’s what I’m stuck wearing well into this winter; much to the amusement of my (nearly all) male colleagues!
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