BootsnAll Travel Network

General update w/e 24 February

Well on the way home tonight from gym I realised why most of the round-abouts here around London are dodgy little flat ones, or literally painted on the roads – it’s because the bloody normal drivers don’t know how to move out of the way for emergency services cars! It’s unbelievable, and something I’ve noticed since moving over here, that cars just do not move for emergency cars! The roads are barred/separated by metal fencing to keep the up and down traffic separate, and so even when traffic lights are red and there’s cars waiting and an emergency vehicle comes blaring up to the intersection ,the cars just don’t move! Must be too scared they’ll get in trouble for running a red light or something – I dunno!

 Well work this week was good – my effort at gym could have been a bit better though! I think I’ve settled into Healthcare for London quite well, and am enjoying myself there and getting to know the new team and my boss! Next Wednesday my small team is going bowling (10 pin) and Emma and I decided on getting a trophy for the best on the night! Then on 3 March Healthcare for London is having a posh event to welcome my boss so that should be nice! We’re moving into our new office area (2nd floor) that same day, so us girls will have to take our dressy clothes with us to wear out that evening! Oh yeah that’s the other thing to get used to at my new workplace – it is primarily females, quite the opposite to my Olympics Logistics team with 3 women and about 34 men! Perhaps that’s the natural split between Construction and Health industries!?

Wednesday night I went out for drinks with my old ODA team and it was a really nice night! As usual, it wasn’t just drinks at the pub but rather an interesting conversation and the questions to answer on this night was Favourite Sport to watch, and sport you’d want to be entered into the 2012 Olympics to compete in! I said Gymnastics or Water Polo, and now we all have to hope Ray (my old ODA boss) doesn’t bloody pull some strings and actually enter us! hahaha what a laugh. Anyhow the night was really enjoyable, just with about 6 of us (not my on-site CLM Logistics team, but my ODA one) so it’s great to have my nice new Healthcare for London team, as well as keeping my old workmates and friends from the Olympics.

So yeah Mon and Tues nights I went to gym, Tuesday night I did my ‘day 2’ programme (usually on wednesday) as well as my normal Tuesday swimming to counteract the drinking for Wednesday night! Thursday night I took off, and tonight I went in and struggled a little bit, I think I have weak arms and shoulders when lifting above my head, so tomorrow I’m going in to do Cardio as that’s what else I struggle with and give in too easily on!


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