study hell
Just a warning, for those few brave souls who actually read this thing on purpose.
But first a word on the weather- It started raining at about 12:01 sunday morning. Maybe a bit earlier or later. It is now after three monday morning. It hasn’t stopped. The creek behind my building is flooded (and also about 50′ down, so..) and it looks really neat- since usually it’s a little trickling creek thing at the bottom of an 8 foot deep or so creek bed. and now it’s this 12 foot or so deep mini-river. It is cold, and damp, and so, so, so not any kind of spring I like. Warm and raining, fine. Cold sucks, tho. Or maybe that’s just my knees talking….
Right, so anyway. I need to study. Which might happen. Which means that however much I might really really want to ramble on about ways to get to the snow fields that I still haven’t been to, or rhapsodize about my passport (still as disreputable looking as ever) or chatter about the food I’m going to stuff myself with when I get home, I CAN’T!
No, really. I actually do need to study. Not talk about how it costs $7 more to take the bus than the train to welly, or talk about the way the birds wake me up at 4 every morning.
Because, and this is the important part- If I don’t study, I don’t pass, and if I don’t pass, someone eventually figures out that I’m really not doing what I’m supposed to, and either the loan dollars stop coming, or the visa stops getting renewed. And both rather suck, yes?
So I’ll be studying all about mammals (which NZ doesn’t have, natural-like) and statistics, and p-sychology.
And dreaming of chocolate, and diet soda, and pizza, and chips, and… ok, maybe that’s a bad area to go now- since it’s 3.30 in the morning, and I *was* getting up at 8 to do laundry and study.
Oh, and to put this back on a slightly travel-y thing- there are four- no, three things in palmy to see, or so I’m told- the racing (stock cars and whatnot- v. manly) the clock tower (which they’ve torn down and are rebuilding), the Rugby museum (free!), and the computers in the public library’s community reading room, or whatever they call the room with all the newspapers ($.50/ 15 mins, or $2/hr. cheapest I’ve found in town yet)
Tags: life, school, summer, Travel
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