BootsnAll Travel Network

Seattle, WA (Feb 15-18)

Sylvie came down to Seattle with us and we stayed at our friend Joe’s apartment. The first night we went to a pub call the “Mars Bar”. We had the best Mac and Cheese of our lives there.

The second day we went to the Public Market Center where they throw fish around and put on a show. We stopped for lunch at a Bolivian cafe and we met the lead singer and bass player for the band Drive By Truckers. Joe talked about this encounter every 15 minutes for the rest of our stay. We walked by the first Starbucks and had supper at the first Red Robins. Are you jealous Luis?! That night we went to the Drive By Truckers concert (Joe had bought us tickets the week before). The show was amazing! They play Southern Whoop-ass as Joe describes it. We sang Oh’ Canada in the cab with the Cab Driver on the way to the concert!

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The third day we all went up on Joe’s roof and cooked breakfast on the bbq there. It was a beautiful day. We went to the famous Experience Music Project… SO COOOL! We had some wicked jam sessions! We spontaneously went to a Seattle Thunderbirds vs. Tri City Americans WHL game.p2170398.jpg

The fourth day we went to Easy Street Records in West Seattle for yummy breakfast and music browsing. Edmund had the best root beer of his life at Easy Street (Henry Weinhard’s yeah!) We later went to a cool lookout over the city, ocean, and mountains and then went for a scenic walk/longboard by the ocean. We visited a sweet downhill bike park under the freeway by Joe’s. Thanks to Sylvie for finding that for us.



2 Responses to “Seattle, WA (Feb 15-18)”

  1. Bigo-o-te Says:

    Uno poquito, i miss Reb Robin… ha.

  2. Big-o-te Says:

    I set you up with a friend in Cabo, he’s gonna show you guys around, i’ll send you his info so u guys get in touch with him… Luis.

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