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Archive for July, 2008

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Seattle, WA (Jul 25-27)

Tuesday, July 29th, 2008

It was 8 hour drive from Valley of the Rogue to Seattle. The car broke down on the side of the highway but we were luckily able to fix it after 2 hours. We arrived to Joe’s place in Seattle and set up our tent in his apartment to dry. We met up with some of Joe’s friends and went out for some beers.








We went to Easy Street Records for an awesome breakfast and then we went to The Capital Hill Block Party. The block party was sweet! Bands like Girl Talk, Vampire Weekend, and Chromeo were there!!!! We got lots of free food and other stuff. Woot woot!!!








The Valley of the Rogue, Oregon (Jul 24-25)

Monday, July 28th, 2008

Woke up at 5:45am and drove for 12 hours along the I-5. We made it about 1 hour into Oregon and stayed at a state camp ground in the Valley of the Rogue. We did a short and uninteresting walk by a river and then crashed in our tent for a relaxing night with the sound of semi-trucks and cars driving by on the extremely nearby highway.


Arcadia (LA), USA (Jul 10-24)

Monday, July 28th, 2008
Left San Carlos super early.  We were very happy to get to the states and no longer have to pay for the highways at the frequent Mexican toll stations.  Mexico also has tons of military check-points and check-points to search ... [Continue reading this entry]

San Carlos, Mexico (Jul 9-10)

Monday, July 28th, 2008
Left Mazatlan early in the morning and drove for about 10 hours to San Carlos. We arrived early enough to go hang out at the beach and check out some cool lookout points. The San Carlos area is ... [Continue reading this entry]

Mazatlan, Mexico (Jul 8-9)

Monday, July 28th, 2008
Left Luis’s just before noon and drove for 6 hours to Mazatlan. We found a cheap hotel on the main strip next to the ocean in Mazatlan and went out for some great tacos! Didn’t do much else. [Continue reading this entry]

Guadalajara, Mexico (Jul 4-8)

Monday, July 7th, 2008
After over 12 hours in planes and airports it was amazing to get to Mexico and hang out with friendly people, warm weather, and great food! We spent a couple nights at Nacho´s house and a couple at Luis´s. ... [Continue reading this entry]

La Paz, Bolivia (Jul 2-4)

Monday, July 7th, 2008
We took a beautiful bus ride from Copacabana to La Paz. There were amazing views of Lake Titicaca and the city of La Paz. At one point we all had to get out of the bus and take ... [Continue reading this entry]

Copacabana & Lake Titicaca, Bolivia (Jun 30-Jul 2)

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
Took an early bus to Puno, Peru from Arequipa. The bus turned out to be a big piece of junk. The driver was a maniac and drove most of the trip in the wrong lane while passing semis around blind ... [Continue reading this entry]

Arequipa & Colca Canyon, Peru (Jun 27-30)

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008
Took a 10 hour bus ride to Arequipa and arrived at 5:30am. We didn´t sleep much on the bus because the heat was on full blast and we were sweating like crazy. The whole bus stunk because of the sweaty, ... [Continue reading this entry]