BootsnAll Travel Network

Arcadia (LA), USA (Jul 10-24)

Left San Carlos super early.  We were very happy to get to the states and no longer have to pay for the highways at the frequent Mexican toll stations.  Mexico also has tons of military check-points and check-points to search your car for fruit.  The US did have some military checkpoints when we were driving close to the Mexican border and we could see the border patrol setting up barricades and huge lights to monitor the border at night.  We arrived in Arcadia at 1am Mexican time and 11pm Arcadia time after 17 hours of travelling.  Sylvie and Rosaline met us out in the hallway at the hotel and we were so happy to all be together that we all group hugged and danced around cheering quietly so not to wake up Paul who had to wake up early for work the next morning!

Throughout our two weeks at the hotel in Arcadia with Linda’s family we did a lot of relaxing by the pool and hotel. We did a hike through Santa Anita canyon to a waterfall, walked around Old Pasadena, visited Huntington Beach and saw the US Open Surf Competition (with dolphins swimming with the surfers and planes writing cool advertisements in the sky), went to Tapanga Beach, saw Val Kilmer with his little surfer son and then checked out the Tapanga lookout, Santa Monica beach and city (and saw the pier with the roller coasters and Zephyr’s skate shop from Dog Town), there was a huge lineup for the iPhone at the Apple Store, saw Wall-e (awesome!), walked around Arcadia, killed bed bugs in the hotel, met up with Jim and his friends at a comedy club in Manhattan Beach and then went out to a few bars and his backyard for some beers, and of course spent many hours in insane traffic on the freeways. All in all, we had an awesome time and wish we could hang out with Linda’s family longer.




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