BootsnAll Travel Network

Lima, Peru (Jun 10-12)

Lima is a huge city… about 8 million people live there.  There are some very beautiful parts of town that we visited.  The first is a shopping mall that was built into the side of cliff above the ocean.  And there were people surfing with wetsuits in the poluted ocean.  Lima was way colder then we expected and we didn´t bring enough warm clothes so we´ve been really cold!


Later that afternoon we took a cab to the historical center of town.  It was very beautiful!  We saw an amazing outdoor photography exhibit titled ¨The world from the sky¨in a park.  Later, we took a tour of a cathedral with catacombs underneath full of human bones!  It was truly a strange experience.  The church has lots of paintings of people with their heads missing and also a very strange Last Supper painting with a round table, cutlery, the devil wispering in Judas´s ear, and tropical South American fruit and birds.  Edmund tried to take a picture of Linda running through one of the squares and we were hoping all of the pigeons in the square would get scared and fly into the air creating a magnificent picture… but the pigeons are so lazy that the never fly away!  They just walk far enough not to get stepped on.



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