BootsnAll Travel Network

If a tree falls

If a tree falls on my car, do I still get to travel?

 I have reason to panic.  Last time my car was in an accident it felt like everything that was going good for that time just crumbled like the left fender of my Volkswagen. 

 Yesterday, at approximately 1:20pm we heard a loud crashing noise that came from the parking lot of my Town and Country apartment complex.  Brooke, my roommate, jokingly questioned if it was a car exploding.  Phil checked out the window and claimed he saw nothing.  About 10 minutes later a knock came at my door.  It was the spanish kid that lived on the 2nd floor with his family, who I happened to also work with, alerting me that a tree had fallen asleep in the parking lot and found my car to be a suitable matress. 

Smashy Smashy

 At first, I was just kind of shocked so I didn’t show much emotion and even up  until now I hadn’t gotten upset because I usually tend to keep stuff that is out of my control from getting to me.  My only conscern was, and slightly still is, that this incident would set me back in my saving for Asia 2007 (so far that is the only catchy name I could come up with for this trip)

 I have been on the phone all day with my insurance company, the auto shop, my leasing office and Bruce Arena (to ask him why in the hell his players couldn’t get motivated to play the Czech Republic today)  So far, it seems everything will go in my favor to have the apartment complex pay for the damages, cover my deductable and car rental for the next 2 weeks.  The tree was struck by lightning last year and during the hurricane a few limbs fell off and damaged cars in the parking lot.  They were supposed to remove it along with 2 other rotted trees but apparently never got to this one.

 So basically, as long as a dime doesn’t come out of my pocket, no harm done.  I wasn’t in the car so i’m safe and nothing more than the hassle of annoying phone calls to annoying insurance reps.

 I hope this is the worst of Hurricane Season 2006 for my personal property.



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