BootsnAll Travel Network


October 20th, 2005

No longer the afroman you all know me as. Cut my hair this morning lost all my beautiful waves and curls. Pretty happy with the new haircut, still. But it is awful sitting at the hairdresser’s. I hate it. Not that I’m vain or anything, but you never really know how it’ll turn out – if it’ll turn out at all or of if they’ll slit your ear with the scissor or something. I was lucky this time and didn’t have to lose any of my blood (although, the perm they gave the poor old lady next to me looked quite painful). Here’s how it turned out. Tell me what you think!



Close encounter with kitchen invader

October 18th, 2005

I didn’t think walking into the kitchen for a glass of juice, that it had unexpectedly turned slightly more French. No, it wasn’t Nicolas secretly cooking family dinner. Nor was it the loaf with raisins and gouda cheese that had transformed into a fresh baguette and brie. Escargots my friends! Or should I be honest with you and say escargot; really it was only one. Still… ESCARGOT!!! What’s happened? How come a slimy slug gets to crawl around the kitchen floor in a newly renovated town flat… 4th floor.

After documenting the very special moment with my 1.3 megapixel camera (which seems to be undergoing a reverse technological development as the pictures get more and more grainy), I was kind enough to not immediately perform an untrialed execution barbaric-style. My Catholic heart, and half-brainwashed Panda mind, instead made me carefully wrap it up in paper and had it delivered to the park across the street (I assure you, he got there safe! I followed the deportation through the window of my now un-scaffolded building).

Come to think of it, I don’t want to know where the little fellow had crawled before I found him. Insert own imagery: ………………………… Yeah, I know! Now, none of you guys will ever want to eat anything at all cooked in my kitchen again. But I guess I’ll have to still. Soon dinner.

PS. I’ve been tipped off, and it seems the monster might have spent the earlier parts of his life in the plants by the window. Will investigate further and look for accomplices.



Wó xiang, nà zhèng zenme wó shì…

October 18th, 2005

Wèishénme Zhongwén? Wèishénme bú? Yinwéi jintian fán si le hé feng. Duìbuqi ni bù dong kànbào zhèige xìnr, wo jínjin xiang liànxí jiang Zhongwén, gòule. Huítóujiàn.


Extreme makeover

October 17th, 2005

Stupid Ryanair! Looking through internet to book the *hrm* cheap flights that was supposed to be there. Had already checked what dates to go, planned, and looked for bus connections. Did I book, then? NO!!! Of course Ryanair had to do an “extreme price makeover” during the weekend so that none of the days for the period when I was going had any of the offer fares anymore. They’re clever, Ryanair. They know you won’t blame them, cause “they’re SOOO cheap”, so instead you’ll blame yourself for not just buying the tickets straight away. Still stupid Ryanair, though! Wait! Of course! It’s MY fault.


Traktor music

October 17th, 2005

TRAKTOR played paced, atmospheric, romany folk music at Kulturhuset this past Friday. Congratulations on a great performance! You really seemed to know how to get people onto the dance floor. David, the guy on the left, is Jonathan’s uncle.

David Kronlid (bass), Oscar Franzén (accordian), Erik Holmqvist (violin), Johannes Berndalen (guitarr).


The blond Bond

October 15th, 2005

So the hunt is over, is it? Yesterday afternoon the producers announced at a conference in London who the new Bond will be in the next film. Anyone knows Daniel Craig? Well, I do, of course, but anyone else? He’s not that famous. You might recognise his face from films like Layer Cake, but he’s not an actor anyone immediately places by hearing his name. An official still was released in connection to the announcment, and I won’t be the to complain. It looks pretty neat, doesn’t it! I still would have gone with Clive Owen, though. He would have owned as Bond. The film, Casino Royale, will be released in November of next year.



The Aristocrats (2005)

October 14th, 2005

Got around to see The Aristocrats yesterday. For those of you not familiar with what it is check out the trailer here. It’s basically a documentary on a joke which is supposed to be told in the most disgustingly filthy and disturbing way possible.

A man walks into a talant agent’s office…

I won’t even try to type down a version of it that I heard yesterday, nor will I try to make one on my own. I’d be banned from this blog before anyone have time to read it anyway. The filmmakers though, haven’t spared us anything when they show some of the biggest American comedians telling their own versions. Whoopi Goldberg’s version was great. A mime guy acted it which made me laugh so hard I cried. Billy Connelly, I couldn’t hear what he said with that crazy accent of his. Robin Williams and Chris Rock was surprisingly underused in the film. Eddie Izzard hadn’t heard the joke. Kevin Pollak does the best Christopher Walken imitation I’ve ever seen. Cartman of South Park even gets to tell the joke to his friends, but best of all… Bob Saget. He was the one with the longest and dirtiest Aristocrats.

The film doesn’t only show comedians tell the joke, it’s a documentary and has most of them commenting on how they think it should be performed and where they’ve heard it before etc. While it’s crazy-fun at some points and you laugh hysterically, it doens’t deliver as a documentary. Frankly, it’s a complete mess, with the only thread you can follow through the film is that the jokes keep getting more explicit. It never reaches any conclusions, which is probably because it never explores. I guess it’s not really the right format for something like this. But what is? The best parts are the stand-up episodes when I find myself folded double in my seat, but if it was only that, nothing more than jokes on top of each other, I could see the whole thing fall flat, and I would tire of it. Maybe this was the right way to handle it, after all… tough, I’m still not completely satisfied with the result!



Chinese summer

October 14th, 2005

For you people who might be interested and haven’t aldready visited it: here’s a link to my girlfriends blog where we kept a diary while we were travelling around China this summer with two more of our friends. Lots of posts and plenty of beautiful pictures!




October 14th, 2005

Finally started my own blog. Although, I’m giving no promises of how often I’ll update. We’ll just see how it goes… Will even put up a few pictures now and then for you to see. That is if I have remembered to bring the camera when there is actually something worth taking a picture of!

Bye for now / JL
