BootsnAll Travel Network

An island adventure

I haven’t updated in a long time, and I won’t come with any ridiculous excuses. I haven’t bothered that’s all. Haven’t been motivated to write anything, haven’t been inspired… and also, I haven’t had any pictures to put up since the memory card for my camera has been hiding in Jonathan’s laptop ever since I visited his new summer place… and that was October 26-28th. Well, now it is back with me and I can show a few pictures from that adventure. Clara and I both went there and helped him move some furniture and had a nice time.


Yeah, it’s The Blaklader Boys (of course without Blåkläder and with various other pieces of clothing that didn’t make us look nearly as cool) posing for the camera during a break from all the important work we did.


And our trustworthy colleague who might not look like she did a lot of work in this picture, but I can assure you she got a lot of it done. Amongst other things she can be credited for taking care of “2 tonnes of leaves!!!”.


Lunch was great! It’s hard to believe that something looking like this can taste good, but I guess that’s got to do with how tired and cold we were when it was time to eat.


And just a random picture of a random rodent running around the house. Jonathan, I told you that you can’t have vermin indoors. You got to do something about that! Wait, maybe that was just me doing silly faces for the camera again. Yeah, it’s starting to get tiring now, I know. Be grateful then, that I didn’t post all of them (some including spaghetti, but don’t ask).


No Responses to “An island adventure”

  1. Janie Says:

    I love the pictures. Clara looks like a real tomte kid. =)

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