Back from the dead?
No, I didn’t die. There are other reasons for not updating your blog in a long time. Let’s say, I’ve been busy? … No, ok, something else? … I’ve had troubles with my internet connection? … No, not that either, although that could have been true considering the troubles I had for most part of the fall. No, the truth is: I JUST HAVEN’T BEEN BOTHERED. Why should I have? And you guys shouldn’t complain anyway. Just look at Jen, she hasn’t updated since like late December sometime when she wrote she was sick. Do we even know if she got better? Jonathan and Åsa doesn’t have blogs, at least that I know of. Janie stopped writing on hers for a long time, then she abandoned it for a new one that’s not as fun (sorry, but Puttenutt was much better and it looked nicer). Clara and Emelie, you guys have been on and off it seems, with long breaks sometimes but you’re still putting words out there and that’s good. Good for you, and now things are starting to move again for me as well… maybe? We’ll see. Hopefully.
I won’t be updating with lots of pictures any more. Not here. I’m already uploading pictures on my photoblog (for which I’m paying money) so I see no point in doing the same work twice. Instead you’ll get the link, right here and now, although you all probably already have it:
The pictures that are there aren’t just artsy photos. You may think none are artsy but that’s a different matter. Some are artsy and some are just nice pictures. I try to offer some of both. For example this weekend I went out to my summerhouse. I’ll upload some of those pictures in just a bit. Maybe tomorrow if I don’t have time now. No advertising or anything, but Flickr is a great photoblog site, just like I think this site, BootsNAll, is great for normal- and travelblogs.
Now I’ve at least explained some of it. I didn’t say why I wasn’t bothered, but that I don’t even know myself, really. I’ve had other priorities the last couple of months. I feel now though, that I have kinda lost contact with some of you guys. It’s hard when we don’t see each other, when there seems to be so many other things in your lives over in England. You’re just here short periods of time. I guess you know what I mean. Just that it would be nice with some contact still, you know. Even if it’s just a mail now and then. And I know, I’ll have to get better too. It’s about taking time, even if you don’t always have it. We guys all had something really special so we should make sure we don’t lose it.
Don’t forget to visit my Flickr page. I’ll go upload some new pictures right away.
Tags: Normality at Home
May 14th, 2006 at 1:39 pm
wow, imagine my shock when i saw that you’d updated! must keep this up and yes i should get better at updating myself, just that the past couple of weeks have been filled with studying and work so its difficult to fit in and whenever i do sit down and want to write something… the words just dont flow.
ill be back for quite a bit this summer so there will be many opportunities for picnics and bbqs by the water just like before!
May 15th, 2006 at 5:05 pm
haha, what is this strange comment i hear about my new blog… not as pretty…??…hrrrmmf. 😛 that was like attack towards janie right there in your entry. well, jen as well.. lol, but she’s dead from her cold now so it doesnt matter.
so glad you started writing again! see, if you write here we all read and then we keep contact. such a simple solution, isnt that so?