Classics for Christmas
Checked the Cinemateket schedule for November/December, which was released one of these days, and was really inspired again to discover the old films they had listed. During the two months I’ve already been a member, they’ve only had a few films that caught my eye, and I’ve only gone to see three films so far (two Monty Python productions and All the President’s Men). I do feel slightly ashamed of myself. I have a world of film in front of me, all for free, and I’ve only gone thrice.
What did they have in store for our cold Swedish winter then? Sergio Leone’s newly restored Dollar-trilogy, a series of Marilyn Monroe flicks (I know you’re jealous Emelie, but why don’t you become a member too, the Monroe ones play December through January), films based on books by Nobel prize winning authors, 80’s Asian action films, Lars von Trier series, some films by David Cronenberg, a few sneak previews, and last but not least… As the Christmas season event, Peter Jackson’s King Kong enters our cinemas they have double screenings of both the 1933 and ’76 versions. The 1933 film just happens to be one of my all time favourites. Let me suggest, that since we’re all in Sweden at the time of these screenings, why can’t we go all together so you guys can discover the masterpiece as well? At least think about it.
Here are some of the films I’ll try to see over the next two months:
Breaking the Waves
A Handful of Dollars
The Conversation
For a Few Dollars More
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
To Have and Have Not
Tim Burton’s A Nightmare Before Christmas
Once Upon a Time in China I & II
Sleepy Hollow
Crime Story
The Jungle Book
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
How to Marry a Millionaire
King Kong ‘33
King Kong ‘76
PS. The schedule for Stockholm Filmfestival this year on the other hand… nothing of interest! Won’t even bother to become a member.
Tags: Normality at Home
October 31st, 2005 at 8:22 pm
Hey they are showing corpse bride the week you are here in Warwick. Should we strike it off that cinemateket list and see it here instead?