BootsnAll Travel Network

Close encounter with kitchen invader

I didn’t think walking into the kitchen for a glass of juice, that it had unexpectedly turned slightly more French. No, it wasn’t Nicolas secretly cooking family dinner. Nor was it the loaf with raisins and gouda cheese that had transformed into a fresh baguette and brie. Escargots my friends! Or should I be honest with you and say escargot; really it was only one. Still… ESCARGOT!!! What’s happened? How come a slimy slug gets to crawl around the kitchen floor in a newly renovated town flat… 4th floor.

After documenting the very special moment with my 1.3 megapixel camera (which seems to be undergoing a reverse technological development as the pictures get more and more grainy), I was kind enough to not immediately perform an untrialed execution barbaric-style. My Catholic heart, and half-brainwashed Panda mind, instead made me carefully wrap it up in paper and had it delivered to the park across the street (I assure you, he got there safe! I followed the deportation through the window of my now un-scaffolded building).

Come to think of it, I don’t want to know where the little fellow had crawled before I found him. Insert own imagery: ………………………… Yeah, I know! Now, none of you guys will ever want to eat anything at all cooked in my kitchen again. But I guess I’ll have to still. Soon dinner.

PS. I’ve been tipped off, and it seems the monster might have spent the earlier parts of his life in the plants by the window. Will investigate further and look for accomplices.



One Response to “Close encounter with kitchen invader”

  1. em Says:

    hehehe 😀 and yeuck!! but well done on you for saving the poor creature, finally he can breathe fresh air, live amongst the wild plants and, if hes lucky, find himself a partner!

  2. admin Says:

    that’d be something, huh! do they have partners like that? what creature was it that could mate with itself… eh, it doesn’t matter really! my mind is just wandering off.

  3. Posted from Sweden Sweden
  4. Janie Says:

    haha, okay. no i think they are sexless. poor creatures. anyway glad the 2 years with panda has done you some good… but come to think of it, how’s our money doing in your account?

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