No longer the afroman you all know me as. Cut my hair this morning lost all my beautiful waves and curls. Pretty happy with the new haircut, still. But it is awful sitting at the hairdresser’s. I hate it. Not that I’m vain or anything, but you never really know how it’ll turn out – if it’ll turn out at all or of if they’ll slit your ear with the scissor or something. I was lucky this time and didn’t have to lose any of my blood (although, the perm they gave the poor old lady next to me looked quite painful). Here’s how it turned out. Tell me what you think!
Tags: Normality at Home
October 20th, 2005 at 10:27 pm
I love it! I like the fact that hair will always grow back… I guess to some extent. I’m not looking forward to the day I grow bald. O_O
I love your little image as well! You do have a talent in making pictures, designing and layouting.
October 20th, 2005 at 11:24 pm
sexless? why would anyone do such a thing to the poor creatures?! hrmn… guess you dont miss what youve never had. btw, saw a chinese dude with the “oi” shirt yesterday!
your hair looks great! *ehurm* (no just kdn)
btw, have made my blog public again, so you dont need to be a member to read my entries.