BootsnAll Travel Network

Back from the dead?

May 11th, 2006

No, I didn’t die. There are other reasons for not updating your blog in a long time. Let’s say, I’ve been busy? … No, ok, something else? … I’ve had troubles with my internet connection? … No, not that either, although that could have been true considering the troubles I had for most part of the fall. No, the truth is: I JUST HAVEN’T BEEN BOTHERED. Why should I have? And you guys shouldn’t complain anyway. Just look at Jen, she hasn’t updated since like late December sometime when she wrote she was sick. Do we even know if she got better? Jonathan and Åsa doesn’t have blogs, at least that I know of. Janie stopped writing on hers for a long time, then she abandoned it for a new one that’s not as fun (sorry, but Puttenutt was much better and it looked nicer). Clara and Emelie, you guys have been on and off it seems, with long breaks sometimes but you’re still putting words out there and that’s good. Good for you, and now things are starting to move again for me as well… maybe? We’ll see. Hopefully.

I won’t be updating with lots of pictures any more. Not here. I’m already uploading pictures on my photoblog (for which I’m paying money) so I see no point in doing the same work twice. Instead you’ll get the link, right here and now, although you all probably already have it:

The pictures that are there aren’t just artsy photos. You may think none are artsy but that’s a different matter. Some are artsy and some are just nice pictures. I try to offer some of both. For example this weekend I went out to my summerhouse. I’ll upload some of those pictures in just a bit. Maybe tomorrow if I don’t have time now. No advertising or anything, but Flickr is a great photoblog site, just like I think this site, BootsNAll, is great for normal- and travelblogs.

Now I’ve at least explained some of it. I didn’t say why I wasn’t bothered, but that I don’t even know myself, really. I’ve had other priorities the last couple of months. I feel now though, that I have kinda lost contact with some of you guys. It’s hard when we don’t see each other, when there seems to be so many other things in your lives over in England. You’re just here short periods of time. I guess you know what I mean. Just that it would be nice with some contact still, you know. Even if it’s just a mail now and then. And I know, I’ll have to get better too. It’s about taking time, even if you don’t always have it. We guys all had something really special so we should make sure we don’t lose it.

Don’t forget to visit my Flickr page. I’ll go upload some new pictures right away.


SaCOKE and cakes

November 26th, 2005

Thursday was SACOmässan again. I remember them having it last year too, but I never went back then. It’s the fair when all the universities and other higher educations gather for all high school students to have a look at. They also had a bunch of lectures on different things, and I found them quite interesting. I attended one on how to study efficiently, one about being a teacher, another about how to apply for jobs and what to think about when you do that, and one that was meant to help you know what you want to study (like I haven’t tried already, eh). No, but they were actually pretty interesting all of them and I got a lot of brochures and catalogues from places all over the country. I actually spent close to five hours there so I guess I got a little bit wiser after all… and I might even know what I want to do. The lecture didn’t really tell me anythings I didn’t know, but the whole teaching thing might be my “cup of tea”. I remember having though about it before. Gymnasium teacher. It could be quite fun, only I don’t really know what subjects I would teach. I guess it’d have to be something I find enjoyable and something I’m good at. Maybe english, drama, religion (but that’s a tiny subject, so I don’t know). You have to have at least two subjects and it helps to have a third, so maybe I could have all those three. We’ll see. Have to look things up first. By the way, I was quite good at history and arts as well.

Here’s a picture from one of the lectures at SACO.


The “Coke Night” I mentioned before actually happened Thursday last week. I wasn’t really as planned, that we would have unlimited amounts and try to drink as much coke as possible. Instead we tried to have a good time and avoided that idea and all the throwing up that would come with it. Clara came over to my place and Åsa came a while later when she ended work. We did finish three bottles 1.5L so I guess there were still some input of fluids that evening (no, I don’t mean it the weird way it that’s what you were thinking, just tried to use different words than “drinking coke” all the time). Anyways here’s a picture I took. Åsa falling behind in drinking seems to make Clara happy.


Also this Thursday was my mom’s birthday. Look what a beautiful cake dad and I made her:


And I thought the cake I baked for dad when it was his birthday last month was nice… but when comparing… maybe not! It looks very messy (they 6 and the 4 means he turned 64, just so you know).


Now, lets play “spot the Maltesers on the cakes”!


Why we don’t like going to the doctor’s:

November 17th, 2005



The war of the meals

November 16th, 2005

Absolutely! Just thought this was a nice comparison to the picture of the blodpudding we had at Jonathan’s summer place. This picture was taken yesterday when I had lunch with Clara at Café 113 50. Good pasta mixes: taco-chicken, keso-chicken and pesto, and then sprinkled with corn. I love corn. I rarely get to eat corn like that. Like in school, the few times they had it, they mixed it in the most disgusting sallads so no one would eat it. My own little conspiracy theory.


PS. The Coke was one of the best I’ve had. Perfect flavour, perfect temperature. We decided we’re gonna have a Coke night sometime soon. An evening where we see how much Coke we can drink. Update on that when we’ve decided on a date.


An island adventure

November 16th, 2005

I haven’t updated in a long time, and I won’t come with any ridiculous excuses. I haven’t bothered that’s all. Haven’t been motivated to write anything, haven’t been inspired… and also, I haven’t had any pictures to put up since the memory card for my camera has been hiding in Jonathan’s laptop ever since I visited his new summer place… and that was October 26-28th. Well, now it is back with me and I can show a few pictures from that adventure. Clara and I both went there and helped him move some furniture and had a nice time.


Yeah, it’s The Blaklader Boys (of course without Blåkläder and with various other pieces of clothing that didn’t make us look nearly as cool) posing for the camera during a break from all the important work we did.


And our trustworthy colleague who might not look like she did a lot of work in this picture, but I can assure you she got a lot of it done. Amongst other things she can be credited for taking care of “2 tonnes of leaves!!!”.


Lunch was great! It’s hard to believe that something looking like this can taste good, but I guess that’s got to do with how tired and cold we were when it was time to eat.


And just a random picture of a random rodent running around the house. Jonathan, I told you that you can’t have vermin indoors. You got to do something about that! Wait, maybe that was just me doing silly faces for the camera again. Yeah, it’s starting to get tiring now, I know. Be grateful then, that I didn’t post all of them (some including spaghetti, but don’t ask).


Classics for Christmas

October 28th, 2005

Checked the Cinemateket schedule for November/December, which was released one of these days, and was really inspired again to discover the old films they had listed. During the two months I’ve already been a member, they’ve only had a few films that caught my eye, and I’ve only gone to see three films so far (two Monty Python productions and All the President’s Men). I do feel slightly ashamed of myself. I have a world of film in front of me, all for free, and I’ve only gone thrice.

What did they have in store for our cold Swedish winter then? Sergio Leone’s newly restored Dollar-trilogy, a series of Marilyn Monroe flicks (I know you’re jealous Emelie, but why don’t you become a member too, the Monroe ones play December through January), films based on books by Nobel prize winning authors, 80’s Asian action films, Lars von Trier series, some films by David Cronenberg, a few sneak previews, and last but not least… As the Christmas season event, Peter Jackson’s King Kong enters our cinemas they have double screenings of both the 1933 and ’76 versions. The 1933 film just happens to be one of my all time favourites. Let me suggest, that since we’re all in Sweden at the time of these screenings, why can’t we go all together so you guys can discover the masterpiece as well? At least think about it.

Here are some of the films I’ll try to see over the next two months:

Breaking the Waves
A Handful of Dollars
The Conversation
For a Few Dollars More
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
To Have and Have Not
Tim Burton’s A Nightmare Before Christmas
Once Upon a Time in China I & II
Sleepy Hollow
Crime Story
The Jungle Book
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
How to Marry a Millionaire
King Kong ‘33
King Kong ‘76


PS. The schedule for Stockholm Filmfestival this year on the other hand… nothing of interest! Won’t even bother to become a member.


Gothika (2003)

October 25th, 2005

Finally finished watching this film which I started Wednesday. You know the film isn’t worth anything really if it takes almost a week to finish it. Seeing a few minutes there, a couple of scenes then… but most of the times just turning it off again to do something else. Not that it’s one of the worst films made or anything like that. It just didn’t interest me on any level. It’s trying to be scary and it’s trying to be tricksy-smart. It’s neither. It’s trying to be dark and it’s trying to be moody. It’s cliché. And how Hally Berry could agree to star in this B-movie is beyond me. Not that I usually like her films – I think she’s kind of a mediocre actress – but at least she’s a big star and Academy Award winner.

He character is the psychologist working in a mental institution who one day wakes up one day locked away in that same institution after having murdered her husband. She goes on a quest to find the trust and cross paths with ghosts and serial killers on her way.

Not alone…

The “not alone” phrase is a recurring quote from this film, but all I keep thinking is: I’m NOT ALONE thinking this film should have never been made. I’m NOT ALONE thinking this is crap!



Nobel prize 2006?

October 25th, 2005



Hail, snail mail

October 24th, 2005

I guess I should’t be posting this, but I’ll just hope she [Emelie] won’t check this blog within the next 2-3 days… and then if she does, will be able to forget all about this entry as of the 26th.




October 24th, 2005

I think she’s been the one wanting it the most. Sure, I enjoyed it, didn’t we all, but the’s the one who’s struggled and suffered the most. It must suck being the last one. What am I talking about? A birthday of course. Yeah, yesterday was October 23rd and our Clara turned grown up. According to her wish we celebrated her Saturday evening, so that afterwards we could take her out for a first legal drink (although, she actually managed to squeeze in a few illegal ones before midnight, as well). I guess the night at one point turned from better to worse, but lets forget about that and instead hope she enjoyed all of our congratulations. Happy birthday Clara!!!

Happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo,
you look like a monkey, aaaaaaaaand… smell like one too!

