BootsnAll Travel Network

Pictures – Week 6

Just a few pictures of our sixth week in Guatemala with Patrick:

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4 responses to “Pictures – Week 6”

  1. Linda and Ed says:

    Glad you guys are in Guatemala and still having fun! Love all the pictures!

  2. John P. says:

    Hey great pictures! Nice to be home again. I’m still skiing at Johnny’s for a few more weeks then the season will be over. Getting some rounds of golf in also. Still waiting for you and Paul to get out to Cache Creek but that will be a while. Relax and rest up before you hit the road again. Enjoy the beach! John P.

  3. Leif Thompson says:

    Hey it was nice to meet you all down in Guatemala City. We were the Army guys you kept running into. We are home now and getting settled back in to family and work. We also went to Ixamche. That was an amazing site. I hope all is going well on your trip. We will follow you on the blog.

    Take care and be safe,

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