1 week To Go – Is It Real?
Wow! We leave next Saturday and should be in Los Angeles one week from now, on our way to Mexico. Although we have been planning this trips for months, actually years, now that we are on the brink of leaving, it doesn’t seem real. I keep asking myself, “Is this really happening?”
Final preparations have been stressful, to put it lightly. Fortunately, Paul is still talking to me, mostly along the lines of, “Karen, breathe” and “Don’t worry, we will get everything done.” I won’t bore you with all the details about getting ready for a trip of this magnitude. I have an Excel spreadsheet with three tabs for tasks, packing list and expenses, which I would be happy to share if you want to take a trip like this. Bottom line – preparing is exhausting! Stats to date:
– Over 80 tasks and increasing daily
– Over 75 items on the packing list
– Over $4000 in expense so far (travel docs, supplies, medicine, books, etc.)
The kids’ last day of school was on the Feb 12th and have been home schooling since then. Connor’s teachers gave him a great send off with a farewell party and handmade bon voyage cards. The best note from Connor’s friend was, “Visit dem nude beaches” (little does Connor know that Latin American countries rarely have nude beaches…). We plan to stay in contact with both Connor’s and Quinn’s classes while we are travelling, which should be a interesting geography and cultural lesson for the students.
So… the next blog posting will be from the road. Woo hoo!
Hasta Los Angeles,
Our stuff – will it all fit in the minivan?
Tags: Prep, Travel
I love it! I’m so excited (and yes, jealous) for all of you. What an amazing opportunity. I only hope that I can be so brave when my boys are a bit older. I’ll be watching the blog and following along. Enjoy your amazing adventure.
Have a great time and a very safe trip. I look forward to following your journey on this blog. Don’t forget the Pepto Bismol.
Yikes, I think you guys will need a maxi-van to carry everything! My head spins at the thought of keeping all of that stuff organized over the course of thousands of miles. Since it definitely appears there won’t be any space for stow-aways, I will content myself with following your adventures vicariously…though I may just surprise you all by showing up in Peru for Machu Picchu! Buen Viaje, Mis Amigos!
p.s. Bobby, about your comment to the last post, I think you’re mistaken. If Karen is going to have another child during this journey it will finally be a girl, and she will aptly be named Milagra!
Sorry guys, that posting should just say “Cindy”…don’t know how that extra c got in there!
Have fun on your trip. Send us some photos from the road.
Hey Karen,
I would really love to follow your steps and do something like this. I wish you and your family a lovely and safe journey.
See you on the road.
Dipankar and the entire Adobe T2 Team.
Karen and family, have the best time. You are a true inspiration of living life to the fullest. I am know that you will LOVE this special time. Best wishes, Francesca
HI karen & paul souns like a countdown
dont forget to bring great tunes !
they are a must, namaste,namaste!
HI karen & paul sounds like a countdown
dont forget to bring great tunes !
they are a must,for the road namaste !
Bon voyage! Sad to see you go this morning, but excited for the great adventure you will enjoy. Beth and I will keep the home fires burning in P-town!
Wow, Karen & family – congrats on the “launch”! I’m totally jealous!!
Will you post some pictures of the mini-van?
If you have a chance, you should visit Isla Espiritu Santo in the Bahia La Paz (presumably you will take the car ferry to Topolobampo on the mainland so will pass through LP). Snorkeling at the sea lion colony is pretty intense. Or, if you don’t have so much time, you can hire a small boat to take you to El Mogote, the barrier penninsula/island. LP is a real city, not nearly so touristy as other Baja spots, IMO worth a couple of days. We stayed in La Concha hotel in LP, on the beach but still close enough to town. But of course you will have beaches beyond beaches all through your trip… sigh, there’s that jealousy again ;-).
Bon Voyage!