Port Douglas
So we were in Port Douglas for 5 nights, which was rather a long time but luckily we had the best weather! Our hostel was nice and had a pool and sunbeds perfect for us to literally sun bathe all day. It was ridulously hot in fact and you’d lie out for about 10mins and be completely soaked with sweat (nice) so you’d have to jump in the pool! Was nice to top up our tan and we all looked lovely and brown! Got through 5 books between us and decided to have a healthy eating week. No rubbishy food like chips, crisps, chocolate, coke or sweets. Instead we had lots of fruit and nice meals that we cooked for ourselves in the evening. Including smoked salmon and a prawn curry. Was lovely!
Port Douglas had lots of nice restaurants that we couldn’t go to and lots of boutique shops that we could only browse in. We did have a nice ice cream at the end of the week and a chocolate cake on the last day as a treat.
Generally we just relaxed and had a holiday within a holiday really! Lucky us.
The day we left it was raining! Ha. Got picked up around 5 and went back to Cairns!
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So jealous. We did our PADI at Port Douglas and it was just so relaxing.
Disappointed in your lack of Aussie colloquialism. Shouldn’t it be Port Duggo by now?? xx