Next leg of the journey to Byron Bay!
I am now writing this from Byron Bay. Our Journey here was really fun. We left Sydney about 6.45 on tues morning and had a long day of driving. Although we did have a few stops including a Koala hospital which was really cute! A woman called Bridget took us round and she was just absolutely hilarious! She told us that after she finished the tour she was off to her daughters house to go swimming naked! And that everyone should experience peeing in the sea. It was so random but so funny! Plus we actually got to see koalas climbing a tree, normally all we see is them sleeping!
After the koala hospital we got to our surf camp in spot X around 5pm. Then we got shown around the camp by some surfer dude, settled into our cabin and then had some dinner. Spent the evening round the camp fire chillaxing with some goon! Was a very nice evening. In the morning we had a surf lesson. As you can imagine I was amazing! NOT! Well I stood up a few times but wasnt the best, was really fun though!! Alice and Mikaela managed to surf all the way to the beach so wooo for them
We left surf camp around 1 and had another drive till we got to Byron at about 5. Our accomodation is really cool here! We’ve got an apartment (not as glamourous as you may be thinking) uiits got a kitchen and a lounge and then two doors to the bedrooms with 4 beds to a room. Me Alice and Mikaela are in one room and then Bob and Jack (other friends) are in the other with 2 other guys but its pretty fun. Last night we went to a bar called cheeky monkeys!!!! We could dance on tables etc but they were pretty dangerous, few bruises this morning!
Today we went to the beach but it starting raining shortly after we got there so we left and did some more Laundry! Ha but this time it was a success!!! YAY all perfectly clean and dry! Spent the rest of the afternoon in the apartment and cooked ourselves dinner this eveing. I may have burnt my fingers which wasn’t fun! Typical of me though!
Tomorrow we are off on a trip to Nimbin. We plan to stay in Byron till monday morning!
Hope everyone at home is well! And in case your wondering I do get all your comments which I enjoy getting! Can’t believe we’ve been in Oz two weeks tomorrow!!!
Think thats all for now!
Love Holly xxxxxxxx
We spent th
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Whoa…..that was an essay we have just read Guess who is standing next to me LOTTIE!!!!! She has come to stay for a few days. She says you have talked about her to your friends…..all good I hope. Lottie had to show oliver how to make pancakes the other night because she has made lots with u!!!!! Weather here is cold cold wet and snowy so we r all jealous.
Love u miss u from Auntie Lottie George Finlay and Paul xxxxxxx
You really seem to be having a good time. I wish I could have one done the same trip when I was younger. Too old now !!!! I suppose you are on your way to Cairns. You will probably go scuba diving.
We are all well here, weather is beginning to get warmer, should be in the 20c today. Will go to the beach if not too windy. Spoke to Mum and Dad yesterday, they, being childless were going out for the evening.
We are going to The Saasota Ballet tomorrow night Sunday. May have a BBQ before we leave.
LAA xxxxxxxxxx
Your Australian adventure reminds me so much of the trip I took back there in 2004. Continued fun and thanks for the memories.