Wow so we made it here and its chilly and we’re wearing hoodys! We’ve had to buy boots to keep our feet warm but I think the shock has worn off now and we are slowly climatising to the chillyness!
Our first impression of Christchurch was a good one! And it looks a lot like home to be honest. The weather has been lovely blue skies and sunshine!!! Our hostel was very nice and in a good location for the city center.
On our first day we decided to go for some ‘fush n chups’, then walked down to the museum. This was very interesting up until we decided to go on a guided tour which did go on a bit so we managed to sneak off and enjoyed it much more at our own pace, an added bonus was that it was free. That evening and pretty much all other evenings we’ve sat down with a bowl of soup. Cosied up on the sofas in the lounge room with our duvets and gone to bed. Haven’t done very well at getting up early here but the next day we went for a punt on the river avon which was lovely and relaxing. It went all through the botanical gardens which looked gorgeous in the autumn sun! Then we went on a Gondola near Lyttleton to see the view of a sunken volcanic crater and my what a view!!! Our last day we have been to the art gallery (again free) around the shops and done our laundry! And had a nice evening in!
So tomorrow we start our Kiwi experience! Which means more bus journeys and meeting new people! How exciting. Although we are not looking forward to an early start and just hope that we wake up to our alarms ha!!
All for now, Love Holly xxx
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Brrrrrr……sounds chilly and I know u love to feel warm!!!!
Sounds lke u had an absolute blast and made lots of friends and met some interesting people too???
Hope NZ gives u as much fun and laughter too
Take care
lots of love xxxx