Hello Everybody
So I have decided to set up this blog for while i’m away. I will be able to post blogs for you all to read, you can find out what i’m doing and where I am and also when I’m back I will be able to go on here and re-live my travels!
I don’t know how often I will get to write a blog, depends whether I can be bothered and when i’ll get to go on the internet but my intention is to go on here as often as possible.
I hope you enjoy reading this and for those of you who know how, you’ll be able to leave comments for me to read as well, and i’ll want to know what you’ve all been up to and how you all are!
Right so it’s 13 days today so I am busy packing and organising everything! Ahhh how exciting!!! Depending on when you’re reading this though it may be sooner!
Ok so I guess the next time I write something I will be on the other side of the world, so speak to you all then.
Holly xxx
Tags: Travel
awwwwesome!!! can’t wait to hear about your travels 🙂
x x love you xxx
I dont want this to come but you are going to have an amazing time x
Have a great time, just enjoy. with love XX
This time tomorrow you’ll be in the air – have a safe journey and a great time at the other end! Pipx