Flight Information/ New, Updated Itinerary
April 11th, 2008Flight information for upcoming flight to the USA:
Flying Continental Airlines, Panama City to Houston Texas on Monday, April 21st, departing Panama at 9:43 am. FLIGHT NO. CO873
Flying Continental Airlines, Houston, TX to San Francisco, on Monday April 21st, departing Houston at 5:55 pm, arriving at 8:07 pm. FLIGHT NO. CO307
Updated Itinerary:
In the USA until May 6th. departing for Madrid, Spain on May 6th.
Walking the Camino de Santiago for in 45 days. End target date:June 22nd or 23rd. A few days of R and R, and then meeting Jerry(boyfriend), in Santiago. About 16 days of traveling thru Spain and Portugal, followed by flight to London.
Flying out of Barcelona to London, on July 9th. A few days in London, then on to Derbyshire, to the Kadampa Buddhist monastery in Derby. Volunteering there for 6 weeks or a bit less.
Heading back to London to get my Visa for India, as well as hop on a plane to Paris, flying into Paris on Sept 3rd.
Meeting Parisian friend Sonia in Paris and staying with her for a few days, as well as meeting up with Sande, a friend from Winters, California.
Sande and I travel thru France, making our way to my friend Leyla´s house in France.(near the Swiss border and Geneva). Hoping to relax here and travel around a bit and eat yummy food.
Taking a train to a small French city close to the border of Germany, where I´ll be meeting Carolin (who I´m currently working with in Panama). We´ll be spending the next 5 to 7 days together, hopefully looking at some of the beautiful natural sights of Germany, such as the Black Forest. Also I hope to go beer tasting and learn to make these German noodles shes always talking about.
October 1st, Carolin driving me into Zurich, Switzerland, where I catch a plane to Calcutta, India, which unfortunately has one stopover in Dubai.
Planning on spending at least 3 months straight in Calcutta, working with Mother Theresa´s Sisters of Charity. I also have plans to work for some other groups as well while there, as I will actually be in the area for 8 months. I may end up only working with the Sisters, however as they have alot of needs there. I hope to visit the Bengal Tiger Preserve in West bengal(Calcutta is the capital), and hopefully do some volunteer work in Nepal. I also want to visit Bhutan and Bangladesh.
On April 1st, flying to Bangkok, Thailand.
That´s all that´s written in stone so far!