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And I’m back in action

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

I’ve been back on ship for almost two full weeks and so far it is going well. As always in my two first weeks I keep wondering what am I doing here? But that generally goes away after a little while! Haha! I am working at the coffee bar on ship which means that I have to be awake and at work at 6 am everyday so that is starting to get a little rough, but I’m hoping this saturday I’ll change bars to one that is open only at night!

I am living all the way forward on ship which means lots of walking but that is always good for shaving off those vacation pounds!! Haha! I live with a bar server, and it was just me and her for a week which was extremely nice, and now with a waiter. They are both nice people and good roommates. I also have jen baker just one floor above me which is great to be so close so we can hang out! Chelsy and I are trying to get back in shape so we hav been trying to spend a good amount of time in the gym on my nights off! Also Chelsy and I got a car yesterday in Hilo and headed up the shore a little ways to some pretty lookout points and a couple parks. We stopped on the way back for a sandwich and found the best thing ever: a disposable grill!! It is a grill w built in charcoal and when you’re done cooking you throw it away! It is great so we can have bbq’s! And this thursday were gonna grill on the beach! All in all it was a good day.., just nice and relaxing and seeing a new area!

So things are good so far! I’m staying excited and hoping I an buy my ticket, or at least the first part of my ticket to travel soon! The dates when I go all depend on September’s wedding, but I’m hoping to know all that soon!! Keep in touch everyone!

7 weeks of vacation is good for your health

Tuesday, August 24th, 2010
I’m coming into my last couple of days of vacation and head back to the cruise ship on Saturday. I have had an absolute blast this vacation though! I spent the first week or two between Duluth and the Twin Cities. I had a weekend down at my dad’s and Bear came down as well. We had a really good time…. headed out to the local winery for lunch then went into Muscatine, IA for a river days and a weinie dog race. That was so cute with hundreds of weinie dogs coming from all over. It was so hot and the races kept getting pushed back that we didn’t even stay for the races, just watched all the dogs come! We then went out to the campgrounds clubhouse for a Karaoke. All in all it was a really good weekend and it was nice to show Bear what the good part of Iowa is!!I got back to Minneapolis just in time to pick up Greg Ward, “the other Greg”, from the airport. We just hung out with Lindsey for a BBQ at her house and then hit up the Mall of America the next day. That afternoon Jen Baker, another ship coworker, flew in and we headed to Wisconsin Dells. We spent three days at Wisconsin Dells going to Noah’s Ark and Devils Lake State Park. We stayed right off the strip and had fun at night at our favorite bar, Showboats. This place had great live music and also one night gave away free bacon all night – weird!! After Wisconsin Dells we headed into the middle of nowhere Wisconsin for Flam Bam. It was a blast this year just as every other I’ve gone, just a little bit wetter this year. On Saturday night we got a lot of rain and everything got wet! At the lodge which we had taken over the power went out, and even though that is sometimes a bust with so many of us there we kept right on partying and even all sang songs together! haha! After a couple days showing Greg and Jen around Duluth I had to say bye until we are all back on ship again. But it was amazing having them here and being able to show them around and I hope they had a good time as well!

I then headed off to Cabo with my BFF Lindsey for a week. We stayed actually in San Jose del Cabo about 20 miles from the city of Cabo. We had a great time relaxing and just having a blast! We went on a snorkeling trip and saw stingrays jumping out of the water… that was amazing! I didn’t even know that they could jump out of the water like that. We also went to what we think was the bast place in the area to snorkel, Santa Maria Bay. It was a really fun trip. We spent an afternoon having a beer or two up in San Jose del Cabo and they actually shut down the town square on Sunday night and we watched the locals singing different songs. One day we took the local Mexican Public Bus and went to Chileno Bay. It was a really pretty beach with probably some great snorkeling except the waves were too big and crazy so they shut the beach down to swimmming. But the rest of the Beach had built in palm umbrellas that Lindsey and I curled up and enjoyed. We had a great time and had lots of fun at all the shows and local bars and of course it was just great to be on another vacation with my BFF!

The rest of this vacation has been spent at my dad’s. This weekend I convinced my sister to come down and visit with her Fiance and we all had a blast. I have a couple more days here before going back to Duluth for one night for my flight back to Hawaii.

It has been a great vacation! I couldn’t have asked for it to be any better. I caught up with so many people, and of course there are always more I could visit and more time to spend with those I saw, but at least I got to see all those people I was lucky enought to see! I am looking forward to seeing everyone back on ship again, but am definitely going to miss everyone back home. My sister is also possibly moving her wedding up! yay!! So I may end up on ship a little longer than planned, but not too much, only a month or two but only time will tell, and we will find out when she actually sets a date!

Headed on vacation soon!!

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010
Well a lot has been going on here. I have finally become a permanent bartender, which is great cause when I come back for my last contract I'll be able to be bartending the whole time without worrying about having ... [Continue reading this entry]

Back to bartending

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
Those of you I've talked to know that I had been bar serving for awhile because we had a lot of our permanent bartenders back. Barserving ... [Continue reading this entry]

It never fails…Alumni weekend is always a blast!

Thursday, May 13th, 2010
A week in Minnesota was great! I spent the first couple days with my bff, Lindsey, which was great! And then headed up to Duluth with the girls on Friday... In the snow! Yes I just said snow in may! ... [Continue reading this entry]

Headed home for a very brief visit

Monday, May 3rd, 2010
So I'm headed home in a couple hours for a very brief visit! I am so excited though! I have a one week work break so I can head home for my rugby teams alumni weekend! It will be great ... [Continue reading this entry]

Back to the beach in hilo

Sunday, April 25th, 2010
So I think the beach I said I've been looking at from the ship is one of my new Favorite beaches in Hilo! I am back at the beach hanging out with mostly local families and a couple fishermen, just ... [Continue reading this entry]

A nice day at the Japanese gardens

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
So right now we are in Hilo and I am sitting at the Japanese gardens under a giant, very green tree that reminds me of trees you see in Disney movies like the lion king. I can see the oceanfrom ... [Continue reading this entry]

My days are filled with beaches!

Wednesday, March 24th, 2010
So sorry I haven't been posting more! My days are literally filled w going to work in the morning, the beach or sleep in the afternoon and then back to work in the evening so there's not much for me ... [Continue reading this entry]

The beach ive been staring at for a year!

Tuesday, March 16th, 2010
I have finally made it to the beach I've been staring at everytime I've worked the pool deck on a Tuesday for the last year!! Haha! It is salt and pepper sand, a little lagoon, and a mini little bay ... [Continue reading this entry]