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Wednesday, June 8th, 2005

Re. my indignance when Boots (the Chemist!) didn’t supply my pictures as jpeg files on the photo CD—well, today John tried to decipher the thing on his labtop and encountered reams upon reams of legalese about a license for a piece of software he did not want but was asked to install.

It didn’t work.

So I shouted at him (“You could have tried that earlier!”) and retreated in a huff to my study. I didn’t want to go to Reading (1 bus every hour, 50 minute ride, £3.20 each way) to complain to Boots in person.

“Alright! I do it!” It was his day at Reading Uni.

So after his various meetings he rushed to the Boots megastore out of town on his way home only to be redirected to the one on the high street where I had the film developed.

So he had to pay extortionate parking fees and run around until he found it just before closing time.

So he had to endure a lecture about ‘reading directories’…

You see, there were two folders on that CD: ‘hires’ and ‘lores’. “Hires of what?” I thought: “And would ‘rules’ not be a simpler expression than ‘lores’?”

No—’high resolution’ and ‘low resolution’ each folder containing another with the pictures in it.

Here is a calming photo of some gulls taking off from a cliff near Borth which John took through a tele-lens with a Kodak Ultimate Ultra (or Ultra Ultimate) film on our mate’s kick-ass Nikon FM camera:


There has got to be an Alternative…

Monday, June 6th, 2005

..or are we all to be irrevocably assimilated by evil conglomerates?

The other day, I got my Bay of Bisay pictures back and so I wanted (finally!) to blog about that magical day at sea. So this morning I sat down to extract my pictures from the CD and—aaaahhhhrrrgg— not photos! Dozens of little ‘.gif’ files which turned out to be graphics for AOL. Eh??

I rooted around some more and found promising folders (‘pics’) but they were all empty. I opened Mozilla and looked at the single HTML file which promised an extra cheap deal for signing up to AOL. By now I was fuming (AOL, even if it was free, is useless for LINUX users). Where were my photos?

John reckons they compressed them and hid them in the 6 Megabyte software package on the CD. I have never seen any photo CD which did not have the images as separate files for me to extract with the glorious GIMP. He has taken the thing and will extract the pictures on his Microshit™ labtop. I have cautioned him that AOL might hijack his internet setup and try to force his workplace to subscribe to their services (that has happened to me with another ISP when I clicked on automatic upgrades on my old work labtop which was running the doomed Windows 2000 OS—I was officially advised to upgrade constantly because of the many security holes in that release.

<rant>Only Microsoft gets away with bullying people into buying faulty products. I ask you, when your wheels come off on the motorway and your brakes fail would you still get you car fixed at Kwickfit? No—garages are forced to provide an honest service, but Microshit owns our souls! </rant>).

So, I’m sorry but the Biscay writeup will have to wait a while.


Monday, January 31st, 2005

I’m sick of the comment spambots that target this blog. Since nobody is talking to me anyway, I’ll close the comment options on new posts from now on (if I remember).

The spam is targeted at posts about 2-3 weeks old, so it will still crop up, but hopefully there will be less of it. What sad bastard reads the comments for old posts anyway?

Text embedding

Friday, May 7th, 2004

If anybody is following this blog, you may have noticed bits of text missing from the “extended entry” field. I’m still finding my feet with this which is not so easy with my husband’s LINUX setup and an old version of the Mozilla browser.

Basically, I have problems embedding larger chunks of text (which has let to embarrassment with various web-zine editors in the past: either they get part of an article or I forget to attach it as a file, sigh…)

If there are any enlightened software-gurus out there, maybe you can give me a hint, but basically we need to update our whole system and upgrade the software.

Linux, by the way, is just dandy. If you know what you are doing, there is little you can’t do. If you know…