Getting Lost in Barcelona
I started my TEFL adventure in tried & tired fashion…by getting lost.
At least it gave me an introduction to the Barcelona metro system (oddly bijou) and to speaking Spanish.
I addressed some women waiting on the platform. “Perdone. ¿Es este el trein para Catalunya?” (A subway station.)
Thank you, Paul Nobel!
Of course they didn’t understand me so I said “para Catalunya?” and they nodded. For once I was moving in the right direction.
They don’t speak Spanish here but Catalan, so I think I’ll end up with some sort of Spanish/English/French pidgin, or ‘Fraspanglish’ as Alexandria calls it.
The metro would be a relative bargain, at about 16 € per ten 2-zone rides*, were it not that I end up paying double for everything. It began when I inadvertently bought a return ticket from the airport. Then I got to the station at 01:40 yesterday night (I know, my new friends are tiring me out) to see that the next train was 40 minutes away. So instead I chose to get lost on my way home. This morning I went into the wrong entrance and had to enter through the gates again.
But I made it to our picnic and we enjoyed some spectacular views and a sunny afternoon. Short sleeves in January!
Early night today. My friends have succeeded in tiring me out.
* Still paying double here: the whole of Barcelona is in zone 1!
Tags: Spain, TEFL, Tag Index