BootsnAll Travel Network

Holiday Money :(

Somebondy explained it to me before, but I still fail to grasp why—if the Americans landed us in the economic shit in the first place (and everybody else is just copying them)—the dollar is going from strength to strength.

I’ve been moaning about this before. If memory serves the pound stood at $1.86 back then. It’s unstoppable rise has something to do with the sale of US assets, a process that—once completed—will have the dollar crashing down. Not that the pound will be soaring, but the situation won’t be comparable to what it is now.

Whis is why, for the first time, I’m not changing any money prior to departure. Nor will I buy a travel currency card. I’ll have to bring wads of cash instead, something I last relied on in Africa, I think.

I’m also bringing my tent. Forget travelling around Trinidad, seeing the sights—my budget has shrunk by 25%. That means I’ll be on the first ferry out to Tobago, looking for a cheap place to stay and only moving if I find a cheaper place to stay. The problem with travelling in the developped wold is that expectations are too high. Everywhere has aircon and sattelite TV. All I want is a basic beach shack, but preferably with electricity (see, I’m doing it too. Sigh).

The financial situation has already led to quarrels, but for me there isn’t even a question of going. I’d much rather be down-and-out in Trinidad than depressed in England.

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