Things that are mildly annoying:
- You discover 3000 ¥ in your wallet that you’ve saved up for the airport express after you return home.
- You discover 3000 ¥ in your wallet at the airport but there are no cigarette machines.
- The rain does follow you home.
- The USB on my home machine has crapped out as well, so there is no picture of the day (I have a choice between running the modem or connecting the card reader).
But seriously, I had a great time and I’m trying to collect my thoughts before starting to write about it. For the relatively uninitiated, Worldcon and Japan are equally crazy experiences, and when the two collide it’s spectacular.
And Japan has me by the throat. Whizzing around the country for a week on a railpass is barely sufficient. It’s a little sad that—in all that craziness— I didn’t really have the time or inclination to read and learn more. It was only during the last couple of days that I would really have been able to get stuck into the phrasebook. My bad, because a few simple phrases go a long way and it isn’t really that difficult. However, it takes a little while to get an ear for the language.
My worse (and my own fault) that I got hit by culture shock just before reaching Tokyo.
Well, I say it again. We’ll have to go back one day. Preferably for longer. And definitely better prepared.
Tags: Japan without a Clue, NIPPON2007, Travel, Tag Index