Canada Bound
Just when I was wondering whether I get to do any more travelling before Worldcon (there is the small matter of having to finish the first draft of my novel by then…), John suggested that I’ll tag along to the 16th International WWW Conference on May 8-12 in Banff, Canada.
This will be the first time I’m attending a conference purely as a spouse, but what the heck, the internet has gone above my head from around the time cascading style sheets and XML came around. Instead of attending boring lectures, I’ll be off to the national park. Heck—the place has snow in May! I wonder if I still remember how to ski…
Tags: Americas, Banff, Canada, Skiing, Travel, Tag Index
March 8th, 2007 at 14:56
Hi Denni
When I went to a workshop in Banff a few years ago, Anna came with me. Whilst I spent my days in a (freezing) air-conditioned lecture theatre, she got to explore Banff and Jasper National Parks. She visited Jasper, Lake Louse, the Colombian Ice fields, took some great photos, saw some fantastic sights, and got some exercise whereas I only saw (rather touristy) Banff 8-(
We were there in July, so little snow but plenty of forest fires.
March 8th, 2007 at 18:27
Yes, it will be great! There really is still snow in May (!) and there will be plenty to do. And in a strange way, I’m looking forward to tasting bacon drizzled with maple syrup again 🙂
September 18th, 2007 at 13:51
[…] Sitting in a panel session at a science fiction convention feels exactly the same as sitting in a panel session at a scientific conference, or so it seems at first. The rooms are the same size, there are the same rows of standard-issue chairs—half-full—and there are glasses of water placed next to the speakers’ microphones on the standard-issue desks. Everyone looks sober, and people are wearing the same attire as I’ve seen during W3C 2007 in Banff. […]