Greenland: Sculptures of Ice
15th August 2006
We were floating among magic sculptures of ice in the evening light.
Ahead, the Sydney Opera House just floated by.
I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to do this trip on acid in the midnight sun.
But however magical our surroundings seemed, the weather hadn’t improved. I kept the lens of my camera covered as best as I could, but there was no way anybody could light a cigarette in this rain. So I thought shelter in a niche away from the driving wind.
“Sure is real shit-cancer weather!” A teenage girl, likewise struggling with a fag.
“Yes, this is belief.”
My Danish was still at the ‘listen, but don’t talk’ stage. But I grinned broadly anyway. Icebergs which looked like piped cream and spun-sugar sculptures were literally the icing on the cake of what were at least six humpback whale sightings plus dozens of seals. I felt that I had truly arrived.
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