BootsnAll Travel Network

Citizenship Pipedreams 3

(Yeah, I know. This kinda deserves its own category by now.)

So, I talked it over with John.

“Go for it,” he said.

“I foresee a few problems—”

“Such as?”

“Swearing allegiance to the Queen. There were those Irish republicans who couldn’t take up their seats in parliament because they wouldn’t swear allegiance.”


“I’m a republican, too.”

“Trust me, Irish republicans are different.”

“Then there’s swearing on the bible—”

“So, you’re an atheist anarchist. That’s OK—you’re entitled to your views.”

John is right, I guess I’ll cross these bridges when I come to them. It shouldn’t prevent me from applying at least. But it’s a step that has to be considered carefully. I have done so many times in the past, and I have not been ready to make this committment. Why do I want British citizenship now?

This is why (some examples, in no particular order):

  • We watched ‘The Sky at Night’ yesterday. There was a shot of a barn in a field in Sussex, followed a close-up of a guy turning a lever. The entire roof of the barn rolled back to reveal an array of state-of-the-art robotic telescopes. From his computer in a neighbouring shed, the farmer and amateur-astronomer proudly explained that he had just discovered his hundredth supernova.
  • ‘The Sky at Night’
  • ‘Dr. Who’
  • The music scene
  • cider
  • The Highlands and Islands
  • Borth
  • Pubs (while smoking is still allowed)
  • Civil liberties. Yes, still—if not for much longer. Even on official documents, I’m known as ‘Denni’ Schnapp. Time to get my passport sorted before new ID regulations come in (but only just)
  • Being able to change my name by deed poll. (I wonder if I can do that straight away and kill two birds with one stone)
  • London
  • Strawberries, Jersey potatoes and Aberdeen Angus
  • Comedy
  • Creativity: writing, arts, fashion, science—you name it
  • Scottish inventors
  • English summers (all three days of it)

And why not?

  • The monarchy
  • Greed. There’s enough of it in Germany, but nobody there tried to sell the house from under our arses (we get estate agent flyers through the door every couple of days. This is mainly a problem in South England)
  • The weather. Becoming a British citizen doesn’t mean that I don’t want to emigrate one day.

On balance, I think the ayes have it.

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