BootsnAll Travel Network

PayPal protects sellers (2)

Sent off the laptop and provided PayPal with the tracking number, as requested. Or rather, John sent it off, because I could not find the time (neither can he, but he’s the one with the car). Phew, that’s it.

Er…no. That wasn’t all. How could I have thought otherwise? If I was a sadist, I would rip somebody off on Ebay just to see them suffer going through these steps. How that seller bloke must laugh!

‘In addition to a tracking number, please fax a copy of the receipt that you received when you paid for postage. The receipt should indicate the package’s destination.

Click “Continue” for a fax cover sheet that you can use to submit your receipt. Using this cover sheet helps us process your information more quickly and resolve your claim more efficiently. Please provide this information within 3 days so that we can continue our investigation.’

The cover sheet can only be PRINTED from the site. Without a PRINTER, I have to go into John’s office and log into my PP account from there and hope that it will come up again. It may not come up again.

–Why don’t John and I have a nice, last weekend together (at least the 3 day deadline doesn’t matter, seeing that I’m leaving then)?

My response:

‘Thank you for your assistance. I have sent the item back to the seller and provided a tracking number as requested. Now PP requires me to fax my receipt as further proof of postage, including a cover sheet to be printed from your site.

Has it ever occured to you that some people do not have a printer?
Has it occured to you that same people have work to do, other than dealing with the PP complaints procedure?
As it that is not enough, I am leaving on a 3 months overseas trip on Monday.

All this has certainly taught me never to bid for an expensive item on Ebay again.’

Now I’m gonna hit the bottle.

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