Plans for Portugal
I spent most of the afternoon exploring my options for my birthday-trip in November. Basically these are two-fold: Head south to Morocco via Gibraltar or explore Portugal. Both options are constrained by time (15 days) and budget. The former is a major shortcoming with regard to Morocco, the latter will be a problem in Portugal where accommodation rarely costs under 10£, my maximum daily budget. However, if I camp all the way, Portugal should just about be affordable.
Of course, it rings a bell (few coastal destinations don’t when it comes to whalewatching) — back in the early nineties I learned about a resident group of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Sado estuary off Setúbal, near Lisbon.
Trawling the net I found that it has already been featured in identical features in GoNomad and Transitions Abroad. The link? — Max Hartshorne is editor of both.
Transitions Abroad viciously rejected my article on camel diving in Dahab; I quote
“Our readers are well-travelled and highly educated…”
At the time I thought it was because the magazine is too worthy for a simple holiday feature, it is after all named Transitions Abroad, but from the Sado article I don’t believe this is the case. I rather think this is because I failed to properly embed the text of the article in three consecutive submissions (!!) for which I cringe and am sorry, there are a lot of idiosyncracies with this LINUX system. On the other hand, attachments work (most of the time) and sites that do not accept them are run by people who do not know how to maintain their systems IMHO.
Oh well, that is two sites off my Sado articles list; not that I would ever submit to Transitions Abroad again, even if they offered more than $2 for 50 words.
Tags: publishing, Tag Index