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Archive for September, 2005

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They should be lined up…

Friday, September 2nd, 2005

…and shot! Who? The untrained monkeys at PayPal and Ebay!
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My take on Sachertorte

Thursday, September 1st, 2005

I don’t usually bake. Where I come from, conditors serve a three year apprenticeship and we tend to leave these things to the professionals. However, tomorrow is John’s birthday and I haven’t gotten him a present (no, he can’t have my 512 DisGo pen-drive!). He’s also expected to bring a cake to the office. So, being based in Britain, I have little choice but try and muddle through

I settled on Sachertorte (or an approximation thereof) the famous rich, dark chocolate cake of Vienna. The ‘recipe’ I eventually followed was cobbled together from various websites and turned out to be half the quantity of cake mix and twice the quantity of icing that I actually needed. Still, it was enough for a small, round tin and a thickly coated finish. Maybe next time I’ll follow one of the more tedious recipes which seemed to give better quantities (but, oddly, used far fewer eggs).
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