BootsnAll Travel Network

WTF mode

It’s been nearly a month since I last posted, for the simple reason there has been nothing to report, just living a mundane life of austerity while searching for a job. This has resulted in my being in WTF mode, as in WTF am I doing in this crazy flucking town?

Phnom Penh has to be about the skuzziest capital city in SE Asia, certainly no where in the same league as Bangkok, Singapore or even Yangon. With no public transportation one has to rely on tuk-tuks, motos, rickshaws or the odd taxi.

While the vast majority of locals get by with bicycles or scooters, there seem to be more Lexus SUVs per population than any other country I have been in & Land Rover SUVs seem to be the choice of NGOs. Strangely these vehicles show show hardly any sign of accidents as traffic rules are only somewhat followed at the few intersections with lights. Stop signs are merely street decorations & meaningless.

Chinese investment is evident in new construction + NGO money is evident (not sure how much filters down to it’s intended recipients though).

However living here is relatively cheap, I’m staying at the King Guest House in a fan room for $8/night, another $10 for food & a couple beer. Of course there’s a good assortment of nightlife in the restaurants & bars

On coming I was prepared to spend 2 months in the job search, arrived at a bad time for hiring so looks like it’s going to take the full 2 months, which sucks, as waiting is boring.

Oh well, have to renew visa Tuesday for another 30 days & see what happens with all the job openings that close applications between now & the end of July.


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