BootsnAll Travel Network


Insurance + visa costs add significantly to trip costs!

* means US$

RBC Travel insurance 10 months                                       $1208.00

Canadian Passport renewal                           2 photo       $ 87.00

Russia  Double entry 175 Bloor St E  3day serv 1 photo    $226.00 + trip – Toronto

invitation letter                        $ 41.06

Mongolia invitation letter                                                   $ 21.35

Mongolia 1 trip to    151 Slater St Ottawa      1     “           $ 180.00

India     1 trip to     939 Eglinton Ave E          2     “            $ 82.21  includes UPS chg

Nepal                                                              2     “           * $ 40.00

China/Tibet   15 day @ Kathmandu                 2    “            * $170.00

Vietnam                                                           1   “             * $ 79.00

Cambodia                                                       1    “             * $ 35.00

Laos                                                               3     “             * $ 57.00

Myanmar                                                        3     “             * $ 30.00

Indonesia                                                       2     “              *$ 55.00

Total Visa                     19 $80.00        $1016.62

Total cost ins + pics + visa +ins =      $2391.62

Travel med clinic bill + cost of meds to be added


2 responses to “Visa’s”

  1. Oncearound says:


  2. Dave says:

    The Russians know how to charge especially when it’s 2 weeks or an extra $100

    But they have nothing on the insurance company once you are over 60 & credit card ins is insane so thanks for RBC!!!!