BootsnAll Travel Network

The Home Place

The Home Place 1978On my trip to visit old friends I went by the old home place, now the friends had advised me not to go there as it had been badly neglected, but you know me can’t take good advice.

Driving to it where there used to be the neighbours bush was now a small subdivision, passing it the place came in view the first thing noticed were a few round bales that hadn’t been picked up from the field, next was a grove of Sumacs covering the remanents of the burned barn, getting closer the 1/2 fallen in shell of the milk house was visible through the brush that had overtaken my grandfathers flower garden.

The addition to the original farmhouse came into view about 1/2 visible past shrubs unkempt & gone wild, not a lick of paint had been put on in the past 30 yrs. The main house was almost lost amidst a lawn left to grow up in brush & brambles growing among the rubble of the fallen porch.

Continuing past the house in the distance over weed infested fields, that had once been lush green pastures spotted with grazing Jersey cows, fields of oats, corn & hay, stood the delapidated sugar house.

Seeing the sorry neglected state of my old home &   the fact that this country is in a similar state, along with sense of alienation from every thing I had known made me realise that I no longer have a connection here. So like my ancestors who left Europe in the 1700’s looking for a better place, I shall leave Canada in search of a place better suited to me.


One response to “The Home Place”

  1. Pinamimi says:

    WOW….it must of been a really nice place…back in the day….